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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. cheers for the offer Layton ill be in touch soon if i can make it
  2. Crazy little guys, i prefer the snow flake percs myself though
  3. I've ionly had it for about 9 months and have gone through two impeelors so far, the second just went so ill try and fix it when i get back :evil:
  4. Im deffinately going to pworld as it will be great to catch up with Heidi, but will try to get to the others. Thx Ben
  5. when mine works i drip feed it into a basket of aragonite
  6. very cool but flag the price of acryllic for it over here $$$$
  7. Poccilopora, id hate to think what a stylo that size is worth
  8. They look cool, would be great fo getting the perfect angle
  9. Woah looking awesome :bounce:
  10. melafix is completely harmless in fresh water, you are talking about problems when people have used it with inverts dont get the two confused. However i wouldnt use it on a regular basis, only if fins are tethered fish have been fighting etc
  11. looking great as usuall. I too have just started adding a bit more AA will be interesting, as i am adding a full vial and not skimming for 12 hrs
  12. does the skimmer drain into an oceanworx product ? Looking great BTW
  13. Have a look at the commercial section Ben
  14. At jansens Mt eden $69 down to $59 as an XMAS special
  15. dogmatix

    Reef Booster

    i open a vial and suck it up with a nedle and syringe, then fridge it for a week adding a little at a time
  16. ive got one never seen him i want to get about four more tho the seem to really help
  17. very very cool pics, given me some ideas too
  18. dogmatix

    Xmas break

    Cher shawn, have a great break, im sure it i'll all be sweat. Im off on the 24th but one of my workmates is house sitting, the main benefit of working in a LFS
  19. have ya'll seen the TOTM on http://www.reefcentral.com Very very nice IMO
  20. Jansens sell aragonite in 1-2 mm grain size, from memory there is none on the shelf at the moment, but it can be bagged up anytime during the week
  21. i used course sand and aragonite, works very well IMO
  22. Man had me worried for a minute there too steeve
  23. dogmatix

    New Reflectors

    looking great, might need a big arse fan tho
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