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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. CHECK OUT http://www.ro-man.co.uk
  2. many of my clients use these on reefs going away for 3-4 weeks at a time the work vey well IMO
  3. dogmatix


    That looks pretty sweet, could be great as supplemental lighting
  4. Big difference in the photos for 3 days, looking good
  5. Stringy poo's and sunken bellies is a classic sign of intestinal worms you need to give them a bath in a bucket of aquarium water with the correct amount of wormer. For example if you have a 20l bucket get 1 X drontal plus tab from your petstore or vet for a 10kg dog, Cush this and add it do the water. Add all the fish from the tank to the bucket and leave for 45-60 minutes, swirling the water once in between. Catch all the fish place them back in the tank (NO NEED TO ACCLIMATISE) leave for an hour then top the tank up again HTH Ben
  6. Using a heat gun to expand the pvc then slip over the fitting gives an extremely good fit, then poo it up with silicon and the up's could make for a great closed loop. We've modified the two up7 closed loops at work and they are now creating massive amountgs of flow. (How ever i didnt plumb those up and i wouldnt have done it slightly differently). Allthough id probably use a reef sequence pump for c/loops.
  7. Are you using the suction cups provided this may help to reduce the noise
  8. Books ive read say that calcium gluconate products can help alot with culturing coralline, but it can cause diatoms :lol:
  9. I kind of use it as a measure, (same as xenia) lots of it then ive got a good Kh/Ca level
  10. Just use pvc pipe 20 mm, heat the pipe with a heat gun and slide it over the provided fitting
  11. Well i went to buy some more l/rock today and, my wife kindly reminded me why ? oh crap forgot the landlord gave us 90 days notice yesterday :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: So im gonna move some stock around but will rebuild after the move in Feb
  12. Actually less softies, but my colt has grown heaps, same with my yellow tonga. Have only added a xenia and gorgonian (the gorgonian is doing really great aswell)
  13. Here's mine unfortunately i've been too busy to rebuild it after catching all the fish so it looks like poo. Im gonna sort it out in the next week. :roll:
  14. I see some rock is on your xmas list Like i said when i was down there, gonna be good though. Ben
  15. Ive had great results with laguna's
  16. soz for the late update, that link does show my male RSTG i think he is maybe 2nd generation. Mum and dad deemed to have a huge spat and stock got wittled down to about 25. Dad is doing a great job at the moment and their bellies are full to the brim with BBS. Hope to have some pics up in a few days. Ben
  17. dogmatix


    Another one, i hope you have better luck than me i lost all my fish last week except for 2 X chalk bass man there hardy lost Midas Blenny Kole atlantic blue royal gramma clown tang 4 X chost cardinal 2 X percs rock blenny and a beautifull BELLUS ANGEL :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: Im having great succes with the atlantic blues in quarantine at work using Wasps low SG method All the best Craig Ben
  18. dogmatix

    Odessa barb

    Looking great, good to see they made the trip back with no probs. Ben
  19. :bounce: :bounce: Well after nine months of eating the eggs my pair has finally got their A into G and sorted themselves out. At the moment there is between 50 & 75 babies. SWEET
  20. dogmatix

    Seio bashers

    I have 3 M820's and all run fine, infact theayve been one of my best purchases. Though as soon as my wife has finished med school i'll be hitting her up for a nice new set of streams for sure.
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