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    chch nz
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  1. Gosh it can be hard to learn about fishies!!! I have been given so many different ways of doing things from different shops. Was told to do the Melafix every water change!!! Its great to be able to come in here and have some helpful advice...thanks:o)
  2. The temp is sitting between 25 and 26 degrees. I didn't realise when you rinse the filters (we have a blue, a green one, then the carbon and then the white wool one) that you do it in tank water! I have been rinsing it under warm tap water. In my instruction book it says to change the white wool piece that sits on top of everything else once a week. The lady in the shop said to only do it every 2 weeks when I do the water change. I understand how changing that and rinsing the other things will be causing a problem. Hey thanks for your advice.
  3. We have had nothing but problems with our fish dying since we set up our tank. Get the water tested regularly at Animates, do a 1/4 water change every 2 weeks and put in cycle, water conditioner and Melafix. Change white filter wool when we do the water change and rinse out the carbon and blue and green filters (as per instructions in the book that came wiht the fish tank setup.) We have had 4 rasboras,(from cotton mouth-which we treated and then left a month before getting any more fish) 2 neons and a golden barb die. Couldnt see anything wrong with any of them. The only things that seem to be really good are the swordtails. Hubby is getting pissed off as its costing too much. Feel like giving up!! Any advice would be great...thankies in advance:o)
  4. Its been over a week now since she had the 6 babies and she is still really fat and her vent is still open. Is there no limit to how long she takes to have her babies? Thanks:o)
  5. Just wondering how long roughly till my swordtail drops all her babies....she had 6 3 days ago, and was still really fat and today has been hiding at the bottom of the tank behind a plant nearly all day. Can't see any more babies yet but I don't want to stress her out by looking around in there for more to move them into breeding net with the others. Thankies in advance
  6. just found a post down further with some info in it!!!!
  7. Just a new fishy owner here...just wondering do you leave the light int he tank on all the time or do fishies need to sleep too?! And if so how long to leave it off? Thanks!
  8. You're right Caryl...I think they did say they were bristlenose plecs!! All new to me still :oops:
  9. Hey thanks for the warm welcomes everyone!! Um our tank is a Jewel setup that we bought from Redwood aquatics. We started with 7 Rasboras which we got from Organisims. Then 2 weeks later added 3 swordtails (1 male and 2 females) and 2 Placostimos (sp!) from Animates. Have since lost 4 Rasbora to i think cottonmouth which I have treated the tank for and now have gained 3 swordtail bubies!! Its very exciting!! I would love to join you on chat on the nights I don't work or go to bed early (15 month old daughter tires me out!)
  10. Hi there... Just got a 90 litre tank setup a month ago and was recommended this site by someone off Trade Me!! What a great site!! I was going to ask some questions about one of my swordtails being preggers but have found the answer in another post!! Look forward to becoming part of the fishy(LOL) community!
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