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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. dogmatix

    Rock glue

    tunze and deltec now make a very nice purple coloured product that looks like coralline, other than that its the same
  2. Thx all, Yeah the water is really clean considering i had just stirred up the tank cleaning the glass, prodibio really seems to help the tank and the corals. I just want to, Level the tank Kill the aptasia replace the ghetto light hood finish the stand install extra lights redo plumbing Modify sump Get more corals get more fish. Finish the rock work ETC ETC ETC THEN NO DOUBT SELL AND UPGRADE by the time all thats finally been done
  3. Still gotta go on an aptasia rampage :oops: Alot a work to do still plus im looking foward to the upgrade.
  4. dogmatix

    halide bulbs

    cant touch them because of oils etc, if you do you can wipe down with achohol
  5. sorry for shouting was playing cs and left caps on
  7. dogmatix

    New Reef Tank

    can you get back to work
  8. dogmatix

    New Reef Tank

    you gonna squeeze a full tanker in ? Would love to see it again, i've been on th prdibio trial for 3 weeks now aswell, and it seems to be helping lots.
  9. dogmatix

    New Reef Tank

    best place ive found to try and id is www.frags.org Allthough still very difficult
  10. dogmatix

    New Reef Tank

    No i think that one is Mycedium
  11. dogmatix

    New Reef Tank

    oxypora of aorts is my guess
  12. doh time to rig up my ca reactor after the move :oops: Ph 8.2 Ca 320 Kh 7 Nh4 0 No2 0 No3 0 PO4 0.01 Mg ?
  13. no i said id consider selling if you hooked me up a deposit for a house up here :lol:
  14. Have look, some amazing specimens plus X hatch triggers
  15. looking rubish as usuall
  16. yes its sill there but i like my job too much to flog it off, sorry to dissapoint. Glad to hear they are settling in
  17. dogmatix

    good or bad??

    put it on an aptasia and see if it its those
  18. Hmm if he had two id buy them both
  19. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2006/2/aquarium Well woth a look
  20. THX ALL of there BIG swords came out of this tank in the last month Ben
  21. Hmm how much is my job worth maybe a 20% deposit on a house up here in Aucks. PM me if your keen :lol:
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