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Everything posted by dogmatix

  1. correct, but the 250W units are larger presumably for more air circulation, heat loss etc
  2. great shot and great looking tank as allways
  3. dogmatix

    Zeovit Spur 2

    it acutally smells and looks like windowlene, Taste ?
  4. There really good pumps IMO, ive used sveral normal and needle wheel mods, very heafty on the juice tho
  5. dogmatix


    Not to be rude but why bother ? After youve paid for the plumbing the extra holes the pumps you'd be better off putting in a stream even if it was a non controllable one.
  6. dogmatix


    OMG $70 Bucks, im gonna be rich soon
  7. dogmatix

    Nicks Tank

    Looking great, the scarlett coloured one is Poccilopora Sp
  8. Two BIG far cleaners left in the 3rd cascade gonna take a while to catch.
  9. biggest problem i can see with that is the size, the tank would have to be quite far away from the wall
  10. Does that replace a sea swirl ?
  11. Cool just dont get tempeted by the marine beta or there cahnces might be much less
  12. Hmm im dubious of the noise those boxes will make ?
  13. dogmatix

    xenia pics

    The one on left is good man, but that right hand one, WOW gettting the skills eh bro
  14. Yeah cheers warren, they grew so large in this system so quickly, that they got moved to the north shore branch. Now they have some MONSTERS cause a XXL Osiris went there too. Yeah i think the chain sword is E. quad
  15. dogmatix

    But online

    100 gallons does not equal 160 litres
  16. dogmatix

    Rock glue

    yeah but ive found it takes longer than the rocks to get covered ?
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