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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. sounds awesome, does anyone know if there's a Whangarei based club?
  2. We just got a black kuhli and he's like a rocket, certainly wouldn't call him slow
  3. What a cool story, myself and my wife read it during our morning porridge and it has made our day. We're glad he's safe and sound again, but bet he loved his little adventures.....
  4. Nar. the old cylinders where, but they hav'nt made em with copper for a while now. I guess if you have a pre 90s cylinder in might be dangerous, but that's just a guess. Though I just realized that most household plumbing , hot and cold use copper pipes so don't listen to me, I'm talking through a hole in my head...
  5. I'm rubbish but my missus can do 60 WPM 97% accuracy
  6. Howdy boss and welcome..
  7. Dairy farmer. Just started my first management position, 120cows on 60htrs. They calving ATM, popping em out like anything.
  8. Just finished feeding the calves, was taking the buckets back to wash them when I spotted a large white bird in the tree outside the cowshed with a swarm of Mina birds circling it and dive bombing it. Then it made that distinctive *KOOKOOOKOOOOKOOOKOKKAAKAAAKAAA* noise, and really loud, then it flew off to another group of trees behind the house and the minas took off after it, it made the Kookaburra noise again then flew off with the minas in fast pursuit. I always thought Kookaburras were about the size and shape of king fishers, but this was much bigger. Bout the size of a large magpie. But what's it doing here???, I've lived in Northland for about 10 years and I've never heard of Kookaburras in New Zealand, let alone Northland?. Do you think I should ring MAFF? not that it'll be here now, the minas really hated it.
  9. Had one of those "Oh bugger" moments this morning at work, you know when you just have no excuses and look for the first hole to crawl into. I'm supposed to drain the water from the milking machine oil canister after each milking and so far I've forgotten, but this morning I made sure I remembered and did it as soon as I turned off the plant. All was going OK at first but then it seemed like the water was never going to stop so I goes out and asked the boss "how long does it take for the water to drain out?" and he says "only a few seconds, why?" "because its still coming" says I " OH **** THAT'S OIL" he says and rushes in and closes the valve. I'd just drained all the oil from the sump!!! god knows how I didn't notice the smell. And the worst part was that it had just been replaced. He says it was about 200 bucks worth, I doubt that, but than again I don't know for sure. The only excuse I have is that he hasn't gone over the shed operation with me, I've had to work it all out for myself, and he only said "remember to drain the water" and didn't explain that after a few seconds oil would come out......I hate the new job jitters.. So has anyone else got any "oh bugger" stories to tell about work or anywhere else for that matter?
  10. Myself and my wife typed up two pages of questions, plus a list of strengths and weaknesses and a rough overview of where we wanted to be in 10 years. I've always gone into an interview as if I where interviewing the interviewer, without being arrogant or over confident.
  11. Thanks for that. We have a bristlenose in with the clown loaches as well, would salt be allright for him too? The quarantine tank that we have is just small, it is around 12 litres, how much rock salt would you put in for that.
  12. Cheers for that Phoenix, I feel a bit better now. Clowns are my Fav too and me and Siran have discussed having a clown tank one day in the future. These are the only two so far, we were hoping to get another 2 today but we ran out of time, thank god for that.... Can I use table salt or do we use uniodized salt? Cheers
  13. I don't believe it, we bought 2 more clowns from our lps last weekend(exactly a week ago) and put them in quarantine, they have seemed happy and contented and unstressed, but my step son just noticed a small amount of Ich on them both.....go figure. The PH is 7.2 and I've done 2 water changes in the last week. Is it the pet store? should we complain?, or are clown loaches just too advanced for a beginner?
  14. I recently lost a clown loach by over dosing using blue circle. They are quite sensitive because they have no scales, so just beware if you're using it in your clown loach tank, Lynda recommended using only half the dose which seems to do the trick.
  15. I know what you mean Acara, I spent 6 weeks in the states a few years back and when I got back I was STARVING for real food, my sis is a chef and she cooked me a good ole fashioned kiwi roast, what a relief it was....
  16. We have a 3 year old who's just mad about bubbles, he's a bubble freek. We've bought the bubble fluid from the red shed in the past but it's not that great and we thought"all yah need to do is whack some glycerin into some dishwash liquid and away yah go!! but it's not working, so what we were wondering is, is there anyone out there who knows how to make real awesome bubble recipe? Cheers all
  17. I know where you're coming from Oeminx, but the reality is predator woman are very few and far between(unless you live in the states I guess, lots of weirdos over there)
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