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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. I'll swap yah!!! we've not had any substantial rain for 3 months or more, what little grass we have looks like hay standing in the padocks, cows have dropped abour 550ltrs in last month....blaaaaaaaggggg... We're going to a mates place, prolly won't make it to count down, have to milk in the AM
  2. Yah, I just suck on the end of the hose, then plug it on to the attachment to fill. yeah, we need to do something, it's really quite nasty when you want a nice cool drink of water :roll:
  3. *shudders* It's about 450 mtrs worth along side a hill and the ground's like concrete ATM, I'm not afraid of hard work but.....meerrrrrkggh.
  4. We got the aerator attachment from the *fix a tap* stand at Placemakers and we got a reducer and brass hose coupling from Bunnings, it works well. Our water comes from a spring which is piped into a large concrete tank and then gravity fed to the house, but unfortunately the alkathene runs along the top on the ground and our cold water is about 30 c at the sink during the heat of the day.
  5. Hiya Well they seem to have a little cave to themselves, and I have not seen our fulla for a few days now, he seems to be staying in their little cave and you don't see her very often but she is the only one I see that comes out. I was just wondering, when they do have eggs, what is the gestation period between laying and hatching? Thanks Siran
  6. Excuse my ignorance, but do lizards wee much? any moisture, heated by the lights will cause the MDF to swell , it's prolly not really ideal, ply would be a better bet.
  7. Thanks :roll: our LFS told us it was a gold spot.
  8. My Mums cat caught one once, and it proceeded to convince him that it wasn't such a good idea and to never do it again, from that day on he ran in the opposite direction when he saw one. Siran
  9. Cockatoo? Looks like a parrot........ yeah?
  10. Thanks, all done, I must say she's a bit of a grump compared to Basil, who'd prolly be a stoner if he was a person. Here's a pic of him just "chillin" sound asleep on his back.
  11. We've had a bristle nose in our quarantine tank for about 6 months now and it's nose is still as smooth as a babies bum, so we thought we'd do a bit of match making and plonk her in with Basil brush (our resident fulla) in the 4 ft. But we wanted to make sure there's no rules of decorum to follow. Do we just chuck her in and put on some Barry White? or do we have to have to follow some stringent rules? Google doesn't have a lot to say about it.
  12. This is a leopard we have in our 3 footer. Here is our golden blackeyed bristlenose, its still just a ween so we won't know for a while whether it is a boy or girl.
  13. This is our gold spot, he is a lot bigger now. This is our goldspot and our bristlenose having a moment together. This is the same bristlenose, but his bristles are a lot bigger now. We have another in our quarantine tank that we are hoping is a girl (as there are no bristles appearing yet) and may pair up.
  14. While we're talking about Kribs at what age can you correctly Identify between male and female? We have two weens aprox 2cms long, one a bit bigger than the other that has good colouring and we're fairly certain it has a rounded dorsal fin at the end, the other is quite a bit smaller and we can't be sure of the fin shape, is it best to leave them until they are sexually mature or does it become pretty obvious fairly soon? Cheers
  15. Yeah, they don't seem to be down your way, I didn't know what they were when I first moved up here. They imitate phones, you'll here *ring ring ring* coming from the trees.
  16. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 457454.htm
  17. Cool, thanx for all the tips guys. My boss is Geoff Crawford who's in the NZ spear fishing team, he went out today and got us a nice crawly and a trevally. The cray turned out yummy, nice change for dinner. :bounce:
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