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Posts posted by SamH

  1. I love these stories.

    A while back some disease broke out in my tank so I moved the BN's into a tank I had just prepared for my new Betta. They decided that was a good time to breed so I left them in there. When the fry were big enough I cleared out the parents and caught about 10 fry, I was sure I got them all. I then vaccumed the tank and drained it till it was almost empty. Refilled it with cold tap water and started up the tank power again. To my surprise, the next morning when the water had cleared, there was a little baby Bristle Nose sucking on the glass.

    Shows how tough BN's are!

    Congrats on the fry, it's not too easy to breed barbs, is it?

    Be thankful that you got some free fish!

  2. I have a small tank (45x25x25) used for breeding and rearing various fish. I've just re-done the silicone on it and it's been tested and it's leak free.

    I would like to try spawn my Betta's/Fighter's in it but the only problem in that the rear wall of the tank is a mirror. My male goes nuts when he sees his reflection and even after a small flare, he seems exhausted. What should I do?

    A. Leave it as is and see how it goes

    B. Cover it up with something

    C. Paint it

    D. Use another tank

    Please advise on how I would paint it or how I could cover it up.

    Thanks :)

  3. Nice. My BN's have only spawned twice.

    First time I didn't even know until I saw the little yolksacks with fry attached.

    Second time he made it a bit more obvious, sitting on the filter with a clutch of bright yellow eggs.

    5 days then another 5 days before they're free swimming

    Are you sure? Mine just hugged the filter and moved a little for the first two days but were out and about after that.

    Good luck.

  4. Once again, what colour is the water?

    Green water usually means algae. Use a UV sterilizer or cut back on lighting and feeding and do a large water change. Possible full tank black-out may be needed.

    Brown/Yellow/Tea Coloured water can mean that there are tannins in you water. These lower your pH and usually come from driftwood or peat in the filter

    White/Cloudy water is what I get whenever a start up a new tank. It's just the water before it's settled down.

  5. If you're going to use a container (use it for the guppies) make sure it's safe. I had a big black rubbish bin from the Warehouse for keeping water in for my water changes and it smells a bit off. Used water from that for a while but now it's full of sand, don't trust it.

    Good luck

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