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Posts posted by SamH

  1. Yeah, the fry always seem to arrive at the most inconvenient times :-? . My first BN spawn hatched at 7.30am, mad rush.

    The female seems to get progressively bigger, perhaps look in 28 days from now, she may drop then.

  2. Welcome to the FNZAS forums.

    Filter, for Oscars it's going to need to be a big one. Canister filter will be best, perhaps a sump if you feel up to it.

    Heater, the general rule is 1 watt per litre. 340L tank = 340 watts. Standard heater sizes are 25w, 50w, 100w, 200w, 300w. Perhaps two 200 watt heaters and place them at opposite ends of the tank?

    Lighting, considering it's an Oscar tank, lighting should be simple due to lack of plants. You can slap on pretty much any Fluoro tube as long as it looks good :wink: . Being a DIY'er I'd stay away from the lighting setups from petstores as they're quite expensive. Hardware and lighting stores are often much cheaper and wholesalers on TradeMe are even better.

    Good luck :)

  3. Clear? Yeah, the stuff I put on was clear. Used a meth blue treatment the other day, now it's blue :cry:

    Here's the tanks in its final resting place. Fingers crossed for acrylic arriving tomorrow.


    What substrate should I use? No artificial, light coloured sand or pea gravel. Hoping to do a peat layer under it, what's the best peat to use for this?

  4. Here's some pics: (Don't you dare say it looks good, because it doesn't and isn't supposed to, yet :lol: )


    -Started off by running a small bead of silicone along the edges of the cut up real estate board then stuck them onto the back glass. This covers the mirror on the back (to reduce flaring) and hopefully the acrylic, which is yet to arrvie, will slot into the gaps.


    -Cut the plastic spines to fit and run a line of silicone up next to them. Pushed them down onto the line and smoothed out the silicone that came out the sides.



    Now all I need to do is wait fro the acrylic to arrive and cut it to fit.

  5. I also read on the UB forums that someone used magnets sort of like an Algae-Cleaner to attach the dividers to the glass.

    Can this actually be done? If so, where can I get magnets and are they aquarium safe?

  6. Yeah but they got deleted. The scales were sticking out so I'm going with Dropsy.

    Now I have one fighter left and he's top notch.

    (flushn..burying) :P

    Flushing?! How could you say such a thing?

    Nah, she had a joint "funeral" with my CTPK Cambo that was euthinaised last night.

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