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Everything posted by Jennifer

  1. Excellent! That wood is great and will look brilliant with the moss.
  2. Jennifer

    beach sand

    I had a similar thing happen once with some fine sand that I was using. I just attached two hoses to the tank (using two clamps and a big rubber band between them). One hose was attached to the tap with water flowing into the tank and the other hose was siphoning water out of the tank at the same rate as the water flowed in. I attached a mesh stocking to the end of the siphon and stirred like mad. Beautiful sparkling water in no time!
  3. +1 agreed Are you adding mature media from your other tank to the canister?
  4. Yes...I was going to say that those hairy legs might come in handy....or 'leggy.' :lol:
  5. Looks excellent! So much fun setting up a new tank, eh? :lol: Don't know what your plans are (and I am certainly no plant expert :roll: ), but I have found that when setting up a planted tank that it is helpful to wait until the plants have time to settle in and begin growing before you add too much light or any added nutrients. If the plants aren't growing yet, they won't be utilising the nutrients (fertilisers, fish waste, etc.) so the algae will be able to flourish with all the excess nutrients and light. It doesn't take long though before they start taking hold. Flourish excel helps with preventing some algae. Also, brown algae can be helped a lot by temporarily reducing the photo period and adding plenty of surface agitation. HTH Have fun!!!! :bounce:
  6. LOL, that is brilliant! You need a bigger scrubber though - I think you missed a spot! :lol:
  7. That is SUCH an awesome photo. Is 'drop eye' a real condition? If so, that is very interesting...does it correct quickly with the right conditions? Oh, I hear that giant gourami are extremely popular for eating (in Asia), very few bones and delicate flesh... :roll:
  8. :oops: oh, whoops. So what is the name of the place?
  9. I had my glassblower friend make me my first one and it worked so well I ordered a few more from the states. I haven't investigated if you can get them comercially here but they are very popular in Japan so I would think they are easy to import... not sure though.
  10. Yeah, there is a place, a landscaping place. I think it is on Dyers Pass Rd, someone told me about it (Romeo?) but I have never been. Heard the guy there is great with lots of choice. HTH
  11. From 20 years of treating cats in the clinic I can say that a large number of injuries/illness & disease in cats are caused from roaming: cat bite abcesses, dog bite wounds, hit by cars, poisonings, pellet guns, infectious diseases, fractures.... Sure, housebound cats have a greater tendancy to cystitis (urinary problems) if they don't get good environmental enrichment but free roaming cats are so much more likely to injure themselves, other cats and kill large numbers of birds and wildlife. It is also a very stressful situation for them to live in a neighborhood within the territory of a dozen or more other cats. It is my personal oppinion that we are not doing these cats any favours by allowing them to roam. I know many people who have built beautiful ourdoor yards, much like aviaries so the cat can leave the house through a cat flap and enjoy the outdoors in relative safety and I think this is the best possible option if you don't live in the country. These are just my beliefs - although I have been influenced by the hundreds of cats I have seen in pain or euthanised over the years.
  12. It was a big deal to get my email changed, not sure I am up to what it would take for a name change... :-? Totally. That is the problem, can't say I like it when people call me 'Jenniferh' as if it is a strange spelling of my name... :evil: Must go check it out!
  13. +1 Jennifer + H (unrelated to Sam though....) Actually, if I had realised when I signed up that this would be my permanent screen name I probably wouldn't have chosen it... :-?
  14. Awesome! Don't know why we don't see more rainbows here, they are so cool.
  15. I use ones like this: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/p ... catid=9915 They use a porous frit to produce microscopic bubbles that are so light that the CO2 tends to stay suspended in the water for longer.
  16. The dwarf sag is heavily pearled and the hairgrass 'gasses off' (i see the bubbles rising but I don't see the bubbles clinging to the leaves). In another tank the crypt balansae and ludwigia produce string of pearls as do the vals, from the plant base.
  17. For a similar setup I use a 2 litre bottle, 2 cups sugar, 1tsp yeast, a pinch of baking soda and a smear of marmite. I fill the bottle 2/3 to the top with warm water and shake well (over a sink) to mix. I keep the bottle right next to the warm canister filter in the cabinet and it lasts 2 weeks going full steam with the plants pearling every day. After that it will last 2 additional weeks with good plant growth but no pearling. I add fertlizer root balls and add flourish comprehensive every other day. In one tank I also add flourish excel and the plants do very well with that and the added CO2 injection. HTH Edit: oops! I meant 2 litre bottle, not a 3 litre bottle! :oops:
  18. I got some from the same people, it was called "charcoal grit" and it was basalt. It is black, but not at all shiny and doesn't seem quite as dark as the one at that link you listed...although I could be wrong - it does look different after it has been planted. I really like it although it is impossible to hoover up the grub as all the grit is so fine it gets sucked up too!
  19. Best wishes for the new setup, I predict it will be awesome!
  20. Lovely! Nice substrate, rockwork and planting. Those rams must be happy in there.
  21. +1 on the holey rock, needs something large over there I reckon. Btw, great artwork, there's some real talent there!
  22. Oh man, that is such a great idea. I really like your planting and stocking plans. I am soooo jealous. I need a longer nano tank like that so I can do one too! :lol: :roll:
  23. Sorry N1CK, I'd send you the baby I had....but I just gave it away :roll:
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