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Everything posted by Jennifer

  1. Seriously?? I keep having to snip this one as it it huge. :-? PM me your details if you want some.
  2. I quite like the subulata actually but the hairgrass is driving me spare! I will have to weed out the subulata at some point - the cardinals seriously keep getting stuck when they go down into it!!!
  3. I have some C. balansae too, another baby is running off...not sure that you would want it blocking your light though!!
  4. Nice! :lol: I'll post you a baby from this crypt if you want: It is becomming quite the triffid...
  5. Yeah, hairgrass can get pretty tall if the light is not that great.... As tall as the dwarf sag.... I may tear it all out....
  6. Yeah, Congos are cool...so are big Rainbows! :bounce:
  7. Cheers Alan, that helps heaps. Now I have some place to start. Edit: Ok, just looked it up and compared it to pics, looks like Western Milfoil, Western Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum hippuroides). Hope that sounds reasonable/likely since it looks just like the pictures online. J
  8. Jennifer

    Hi all.

    Welcome! Those nanotanks are great, small enough to have several. 8) :lol:
  9. Any idea what this plant is? (sorry the image went sideways when I uploaded it - top of the tank is to the right) Cheers
  10. LOL, so true. If you want a free ear piercing (in more ways than one) place one on your shoulder. :lol: I recon hawkheads are awesome, as are other poicephalus...in fact Meyers and Senegals are my fav snuggle buddies.
  11. Try a scarlet macaw, they're pretty too.... 8)
  12. Dude! Birdy porn! He was about two seconds away from giving you a chloacal kiss! He must love you VERY much. :lol: 8)
  13. Jennifer


    Yes, droncit will expire - the date should have been given to you when you purchased the medication. It will start loosing potency when it is exposed to light and oxygen. Praziquantel will NOT kill fluke eggs. Depending on the temperature and salinity of the water it will take 1 to 6 days (sometimes longer) for the eggs to hatch into larvae that can then be killed with a repeat treatment. That is why it is a good idea to treat once and then again in 10 days. It is the flukes on the fish that are of a concern as these are the ones that will reproduce. Flashing is a sign of many different things so if the medication is not helping at all I would start investigating other causes.
  14. I am not really into fighters but boy would I love to see that in the wild!
  15. I have black neons too. I find that they don't school much when they are in groups of 8 or less. I have 14 now and they school fine but they 'sit' around a lot hovering in one place and are quite skittish compared to my other tetras. They also are prone to disease (in my experirence) compared to other fish. They do breed easily in my tank though. I do like the look of them against the green plants even though people tend to think of them as quite ordinary.
  16. Wow, impressive cake styling! :bounce: I bet she was so happy to see a blast from the past. Such a great set of photos showing the two cakes.
  17. I have cardinals, but they aren't nearly as engaging as my danios were. I had some zebra danios to cycle a tank and they were so active and always interested in what was going on. They really brought the rest of the community out of their shell and I grew to like them. That said, I now have some green fire tetras that are very much like that too. The cardinals on the other hand are so much more shy. Just my experiences though.... :roll:
  18. Awesome work! I bet your heart was racing!!! :bounce:
  19. It is a veterinary technology course that is part of the diploma in veterinary nursing for which I am the programme coordinator. The course goes into reproductive anatomy & phyiology, detecting oestrus, breeding techniques, detecting pregnancy, parturition, rearing offspring, emergency first aid, care of neonates, genetic and hereditary conditions and socialisation of offspring, preventative health care of breeding stock and offspring as well as advising owners about resposible breeding.
  20. Jennifer


    You should always remove old carbon as it will start releasing the toxins back into the water. Also be sure to remove it before any medication. Most would recommend adding fresh carbon just after a treatment but a few days should suffice to remove any residual chemicals after which time the carbon should be removed and disposed of. Also, if you are going to treat the tank again in 4 days, you might want to repeat again in 10 days or so since some flukes can have a longer lifecycle depending on water conditions...just to be safe.
  21. Sad, what a disservice to a magnificent animal.
  22. Ashtrays????? Where is that ROFL emoticon? :lol:
  23. C'mon, you know how lucrative all that poo could be..... 8)
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