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Everything posted by yeh_buddy

  1. yeh_buddy


    her please not his Also when I added the salt the plecs werent in the tank as I know they can be sensitive to salt. All that was in the affected tank at time of treatment were my fattie goldfish and female fighter. Did another test today and everything has seem to return to normal. Goldfish are happy and still being fat so yay. Still a bit upset by losses but who wouldnt be. It still catches me as weird for there to be a sudden spike, as I generally never have a problem with my tank, but I guess thats why they are called a spike. Im just glad it seems to have passed quickly, and without devastating my tank.
  2. yeh_buddy


    I checked the nitrates and nitrites readings before using Ammo lock as I am aware of receiving false reading because of that product and they both read 0.
  3. yeh_buddy


    I checked the tap water before putting it into the tank today, the container i use is a bucket. SO I tested the water in the bucket and the Ph was around 6.8 Tested the ph of both tanks again and this is what I got: (after waterchanges) Small tank that is originally my fighter tank and had the 3 fish die in it, and didnt have the problem my big tank had: Ph: = 7.6 Ammonia = 0 Large tank with problem Ph: = 6.8 (so it is coming up) Ammonia: = 0.25 still hanging around I have been putting JLB Ph up stuff into the tank that was recommended to me, so perhaps that can account for the change in Ph. It is real gutting to have lost my favourite fishies, but perhaps I am doing something right considering the goldfish are looking much better.
  4. yeh_buddy


    Update: Fish in the affected tank appear to be fine today the orange pearlscale which i thought wasnt goin to make it through the night is alive and fine. No gross weird slime covering very little signs of the fraying tails that I had last night. HOWEVER. The BB Gobies and the Chocolate Zebra Plec (King Tiger is fine so far) that I put into another tank with fine water parameters etc are dead with the same film covering of what the goldfish had last night. Yet the Siamese fighters that are the original tennents of the tank are fine. I am sooo mad. And to say the least puzzled. I put some Ammo lock into the main tank last night so I think that has helped. Along with generous handfuls of salt and stress coat, think ive almost gone through the whole big bottle Phoenix.lol Also the deal with waterchanges the tap water is above 7, the more waterchanges I do the lower the Ph drops. Its not making sense to me. So Im hesistant to do anymore for fear of the Ph dropping even lower. The tank has been set up for hmmm about a year. The only thing I had done was disturb the filter when a kuhli loach went up the filter, and change the sponge, still has the other filter medium though.
  5. yeh_buddy


    K I was about to go to sleep tonight and I did the usual dreamy drool stare at my fish tank. The orange Pearlscale Goldfish was covered in a grey coating (only way i can discribe it is it reminded me of when my skin was peeling when I got sun burnt the other week) and its fins seemed to be clamped and fraying at the edge. This is the worse affected one in the tank the other goldfish seem ok. A bit fraying at the edge of the tails and a little disstressed. I have already lost a golden algae eater to what this is in my tank and if its the same thing I've had before it completely wiped my tank and dont want it to happen again. Of course my immediate reaction was to test the water parameters. Ph : 6. Ammonia: 0.25-0.50 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 My only guess is the Ph. But I did a water test yesterday nd the water was at 7 which the Ph is usually at. What would cause a crash when I havent done anything to the tank other than the regular water changes, and any suggestions as too how to get up the Ph minus the fish fatalities. I have shifted my favourites, (B.B Gobies, and Plec) to seperate tank as I DO NOT want to loose these ones and the tank is established. However I dont want to loose the ones in my big tanks as they are my Goldies, (orandas and pearlscales). Any suggestions on how to bring up the Ph, and things I can do to mimise the fatalities would be good. After doing the water change the oranda and two other pearlscales seem fine. Its just the original orange pearlscale that caught my attention in the first place that isnt looking any better. I dont know if I mentioned it but this change has only seemed to happen within the last few hours as the tank is next to my desk so when I was writing notes say 5pm they were fine, no sign of distress or cloudiness. Course I understand that it could have been building and just suddenly become to much for them and hit them but all the same it is somewhat distressing to them and me. I mean it could have happened while I was sleeping and I wouldnt have been able to do anything until the morning... some sort of fish distress alarm should be created... :oops: Anyways hoping theres some helpful suggestions out there.
  6. I've got two of these little guys and I want MORE and MORE!! They are soooo cute I love em to bits. Mine seem to enjoy fresh water. I enjoy getting up in the mornings and hunting them down!
  7. Those are so touching memories, even though I never knew any of your pets, I still shed a tear for the loss you all faced.
  8. My goldfish love ants and my fighters too, if you dont want to try ants you can try aphids if they arent sprayed, as they go down a treat too.
  9. My first thought was the nursery web spider but Im not an expert, heres some links I found. http://www.tepapa.govt.nz/TePapa/Englis ... eryWeb.htm http://www.tepapa.govt.nz/TePapa/Englis ... eetweb.htm Hope you find out what it is
  10. Your stories are making me cry! Despite the tears and heartache, nothing compares to the memories, enjoyment, companionship and unconditional love an animal offers. I will keep having animals in my life for that reason and trust that I will meet up with them again when it is my turn.
  11. Ah that is a beautiful poem, but oh gosh that poem knows how to make me blubber everytime. We'll Im back from the Vets with Lucky in her little box. The Vet was very nice about it and she looks sooo peaceful. It's a relief that shes not in pain anymore. Even the Vet was astonunded by her age. The majority she puts to sleep are half her age. Thank you for your kind words everybody they really help. *Lucky 2001~2009*
  12. Barrie I understand you dont mean it personally, Im not hesitating so much now, but I do doubt as to whether PTS is pain free. When they did it to my rabbit I could hear him screaming from all the way in the waiting room. Listening to your rabbits screams until they die is a horrible thing to have to listen too and that is why i doubt the vets when they say its painless. I was only 15 at the time. I cried for many hours afterwards and the screaming needless to say still haunts me. But I do see where you are coming from, I guess looking at it from a different perspective even if it is painful atleast its only for a minute or so as opposed to days-weeks. All the same I wish there was no pain involved for her. I will admit I am being selfish when I say that I wish that she would have just gone in her sleep rather than doing it this way. Thank you for your words
  13. LOL havent seen that one, yeah Mrs Doyle is great... Oh go on....go on go on go on go on go on.... That has to be my favourite, so insanely pushy in a polite way lol. But DEAD annoying.lol
  14. I have a guinea pig who is approaching 8 years of age. I got her back in 2001 when I was about 11-12, Im nearly 20 now. She is blind, and has various lumps and bumps all over her body. Fat deposits was what the vet called them. Recently though shes either been peeing or pooing blood, squeaking in pain, and she has lost her appetite. And she has lost weight quite drastically so shes quite boney. I have an appointment at 4pm today to have her put down. When I made it I felt I was doing the right thing by having her put down, but now Im starting to panic as to if I am doing the right thing. I feel maybe that I should try and treat her even though the vet doesnt know what is wrong and gave me some antibiotics for her on Wednesday. I guess what Im needing is some words of wisdom or encouragement, something to let me know I am doin the right thing by putting her down. I have had numerous of old beloved pets put down in my past but that never makes the decision any easier.
  15. Ahaha I love it, Dougal ahhh yep he is a crack up but doesnt beat father jack. Have you seen the episode when they are on that plane?! Ah Dougal is hillarious on it. He buys a gift shop sticky tape dispenser that tells him how much he uses.ROFL :lol: Then to top it off he buys a squeeky phone thats actually a dog toy and he argues with Father Ted its not ahhh classic *wipes tear from eye, from laughing so much.* :lol: think its one of those things where you have to see it. :lol: :bounce:
  16. Oooo second that!! That and I dont like skinnys....lol :lol:
  17. Livingart I love your quotes and words of wisdom, you have to make a book And Stella, being in my third year too..... It is an uphill struggle at times, keep up the hardwork. Almost there! :bounce:
  18. Hehe thanks, I went through a Father Ted marathon last night on Youtube. :bounce: Gosh I love Father Jack, cracks me up everytime, he doesnt even have to say anything lol :lol: Dont have them on DvD yet, but thats a collection Im working on!! Just finished Buffy and Criminal Minds Season 3 (Lol I know) now onto Father Ted. I plan to have a library of DVD's one day Yes I like my TV Shows and yes I do have a life (if anyone is wondering)lol :lol:
  19. In the words of Father Jack... "DRINK!!!"
  20. *Squeals like the girl she is* ZOMG you do... I want it!!! lol
  21. lol didnt bother to read your post just saw the words true blood and replied lol I can make you a copy Pm me
  22. Oh oh I did!! Havent watched it yet but zomg i wanna! Y? You want me to make you a copy?
  23. Dont worry about it Barrie as my mum would say "Water off a ducks back." :lol: Please dont become one of those people that stop posting, the void you would leave behind would probably devastate alot of good people on this forum who do appreciate your experience and knowledge. I dont have any killies or much interest in them but I would be sad to know that there would be one less experienced and knowledgeble person available on this site to ask for help with something. Whenever I make a post on any forum I always try to use the Smilies to emphasis what I say to try and inject some emotion into my words. To some people it make come across that Im just 'smilies trigger happy' but at the end of the day I liket to think it helps with people not taking my words the wrong way.
  24. yeh_buddy

    blind fish

    Well I still think treat with Stress Coat and see what happens. Let us know would be keen to find out.
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