I'm moving house, so I decided to set up a new tank at the new place and then transfer my fish over on the day.
Bought a 4x2x2 tank off Bishop and then we decided that we could do a joint venture and set it up. it is made of 10mm glass.
The tank I wanted to set up had lots of wood in it with plants being Java fern varieties, Peacock moss, congo fern and anubias species.
I give all the credit to Bishop for the hard scape - we went through a fair few phases and decided on this eventually. I was scared my craziness and need to have everything in the tank done my way would make us clash - but it didn't.
Current flora -
Narrow leaf Java fern, Narrow leaf x windelov, Windelov, Anubias barteri, Anubias nana, Peacock moss.
Proposed flora additions -
Congo fern, java fern philippine, other Anubias varieties.
Lighting -
4x T5 HO 18000K power glos
1 x plant pro T8
1 x marine blue T8
1 x 75W 6500K Metal Halide (proposed)
CO2 -
Hitech @ 4bps
Filtration -
2x Fluval 405
1x Eheim pro II 2028
Other -
4x 2000 LPH powerheads
Substrate - 60kg coarse river sand from Mitre 10. $7 per bag :thup:
Driftwood - Driftwood from Indonesia / Malayasia, and some from the beach.
Fish -
11 x Brochis splendis
20 x Sterbai corydoras
4 x Panda corydoras
2 x banjo catfish
1 x L168
1 x L191 'dull eye'
? x Ancistrus rio ucayali
1 x Convict
Proposed -
8 x Blue Acara
Tank will be very different to what I'm used to doing and hopefully I won't revert it to this -
Any how here goes -
Final layout but that piece of wood on the RHS is higher.
(scrapped this layout)
Most of the planting is done too.