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Everything posted by phoenix44

  1. Awesome! Rainbows! I love it when people get fish most others overlook!
  2. I need more plants! Congo fern and I'll utilise some of my other crypts in the LHS at the back. I also sneaked a leopard sword in there.
  3. YES!!! But no I was a little white roley poley curly haired boy :slfg:
  4. I also got told goldfish ate plants... and look how that turned out for me. The fish won't touch the plants. My convict doesn't care about the plants or digging. If you want fish to leave plants alone and not dig them up -plant the tank well from the beginning and they won't rip them to shreds. Any how, tank as of this morning. Pic taken with my phone.
  5. Today is the day of the big move. I need more plants :slfg: and then I can add some of the fish in. I bought a 2L bottle of excel from Redwoods and a 2L bottle of comprehensive just in case :happy1:
  6. Nope. No Tetras. Blue Acaras will eat them. :slfg:
  7. The tape wasn't me haha. I didn't even know what to do with it.
  8. No more pics :slfg: The tank still needs to clear haha.
  9. I'm moving house, so I decided to set up a new tank at the new place and then transfer my fish over on the day. Bought a 4x2x2 tank off Bishop and then we decided that we could do a joint venture and set it up. it is made of 10mm glass. The tank I wanted to set up had lots of wood in it with plants being Java fern varieties, Peacock moss, congo fern and anubias species. I give all the credit to Bishop for the hard scape - we went through a fair few phases and decided on this eventually. I was scared my craziness and need to have everything in the tank done my way would make us clash - but it didn't. Current flora - Narrow leaf Java fern, Narrow leaf x windelov, Windelov, Anubias barteri, Anubias nana, Peacock moss. Proposed flora additions - Congo fern, java fern philippine, other Anubias varieties. Lighting - 4x T5 HO 18000K power glos 1 x plant pro T8 1 x marine blue T8 1 x 75W 6500K Metal Halide (proposed) CO2 - Hitech @ 4bps Filtration - 2x Fluval 405 1x Eheim pro II 2028 Other - 4x 2000 LPH powerheads Substrate - 60kg coarse river sand from Mitre 10. $7 per bag :thup: Driftwood - Driftwood from Indonesia / Malayasia, and some from the beach. Fish - 11 x Brochis splendis 20 x Sterbai corydoras 4 x Panda corydoras 2 x banjo catfish 1 x L168 1 x L191 'dull eye' ? x Ancistrus rio ucayali 1 x Convict Proposed - 8 x Blue Acara Tank will be very different to what I'm used to doing and hopefully I won't revert it to this - Any how here goes - Final layout but that piece of wood on the RHS is higher. (scrapped this layout) Most of the planting is done too.
  10. The largest capital markets are in the USA, so yeah what they do affects everyone on this planet.
  11. Jeez that's messier than my tanks!
  12. Did you have a turbo button on that PC? Cause mine did!
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