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Everything posted by Dougstark

  1. We can all dream at times but more often than not that is all it will be. Check out this farm for sale. http://www.agamainternational.com/home.html
  2. Its a matter of personal taste. They are breeding these fish for specific features and like in the dog world they go to extremes. Like the rooster bred for a long tail (10 feet or more) may look impressive but just doesnt work for the rooster (Bred in Japan). These extremes are not generally to my taste.
  3. That would turn it into a swift flowing river.
  4. Try this site. A pet shop in Rotorua. http://www.wonderworldpetcentre.co.nz/p ... 10&id=1045 They often have a great range tho not the cheapest. They may ship. You would have to check with them.
  5. I keep bristlenose cats as snails dont mix with loaches.
  6. You will probably need to remind me but it is possible I would list them here first for sale if I am successful.
  7. I have a pair of Barbarta but dont expect them to breed till next summer.
  8. If heaters are on a lot of the time then maybe a bigger heater or a second heater would improve the situation.
  9. Did you check out his web site to see the colours he has for sale? http://www.socalleopards.com/Index.html Definitely a business
  10. I agree Caryl like the guy selling coldwater guppies in Christchurch. He bought them from a petshop as coldwater guppies.
  11. Sorry had it wrong they were zebra platies :oops:
  12. Has anyone seen the new tiger platies? My local petshop has some but unfortunately only males. They are a little dearer.
  13. See someone in Christchurch selling them as well.
  14. Have mine in outside pond, dont do anything special, they dont need heat. Probably easier than guppies as they dont seem to eat their young.
  15. Discus like young bristlenose's as well, tasty.
  16. I find then good fish. Active during the day, not hiding all the time. Peaceful, they are always eating my algae, not the fastest of growers taking a couple of years to reach a mature size and easy to breed. Gee even my discuss like them, I bought some 2.5cm albinos only to find my discus eating the last one a few days later. :oops:
  17. The sunset variety of white cloud minnows show up great.
  18. Some of you may remember a little while back that there was a David Attemborough programe on reptiles. The signals you guys have been discussing were shown in the programe and he explained the head nodding as a Territorial/dominace thing and the leg waving as a "calm down I get the message" My male kicks up leaves as he nods his head looks quite funny. When I first put them in their new home (glasshouse) the male was doing the nodding so the female jumped of her log ran over and bit him. Usually now she just waves a leg.
  19. I have water snails in with my bichir and he does not touch them.
  20. I have put more artificial turf right around the outside row of cobblestones where they tend to walk. The male Reeves tends to spend most of its time in the pond and the female seems to like the leaf pit. They still don't seem to like each other much yet.
  21. This is my new winter home for lizards and turtles. Has sandpit leaf litter area as well as dirt area in whish I will plant some things for them to eat. Just finished in the weekend. Still a work in progress yet.
  22. Have some of the panda platies. I think they are neat.
  23. Well as long as no one releases them to the wild we wont have to worry about it. They wouldnt be far off being as hardy as mosquito fish but are a little slower breeding.
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