- Does your water contain chlorine? No.
- Do you use a dechlorinator? No.
- Do you know where your water comes from, if so do you know the average levels (eg residual chlorine) in your water supply?
Rain water, stored in plastic tank, nothing but pure H2O (and a few Manuka leaves, dust, and pollen).
- How old is your tank? ~18 months.
- Does your use of dechlorinator change based on the "maturity" of the tank? No.
When I was in Auckland...
- Does your water contain chlorine? Yes
- Do you use a dechlorinator? Yes, Seachem Prime.
- Do you know where your water comes from, if so do you know the average levels (eg residual chlorine) in your water supply? Hunua Ranges I believe (and Waikato river possibly?) East Auckland tap water anyway.
- How old is your tank? 3 years.
- Does your use of dechlorinator change based on the "maturity" of the tank? No.