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David R

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Everything posted by David R

  1. The lists I've seen certainly don't offer an option on sex, and the size they're usually for sale at they aren't sexable anyway. There is one report of breeding on Planet Catfish, so it is possible if you're willing to devote enough time, tank space and money to it. You would be best to start off with a group of six-or-so young ones to grow out to breeding size (which will take a few years), talk to your LFS and you should be able to get a good deal for buying bulk. It is a fairly ambitious jump from breeding bristlenose though, maybe you could try some other types like Hypancistrus Spp. that are a bit smaller, faster maturing and easier to breed than Bayancistrus.
  2. So far he seems unwilling to share any info about the fish, just keeps telling people to come view it, which is impossible to do without breaching TradeMe's T&Cs. I certainly wouldn't drop $3k on a "red" arowana without knowing anything about its origins, especially given that it looks more yellow/gold in the pics...
  3. Amen to that, shame there's no way to do it without breaching trademes rules. The gold one (XB?) looks very nice though!
  4. +2. Best option if you don't want to paint.
  5. 6-9ppm out of the tap (rain water), tank fluctuates between about 50-60ppm, I think. Haven't checked it for a while now...
  6. Are these anything to do with the ones on trademe? Can't believe the guy is trying to sell the fish for $3k+ without offering any real info...
  7. They'll go well with the plecs then! Part of the fun with a big tank full of small fish [to me, anyway] is that you're not always going to see every fish in the tank every time you look at it. As for the discus, I'd love a big school of wilds, but I think it would be an expensive mistake with the Panaques etc. Altum angels on the other hand, if someone could get them in I'd be tempted to remortgage the house...
  8. Yeah Columbians are certainly on the cards, and I'm pretty tempted to try some apistos too!
  9. They would, if they came from South America. I had a school of spotted metynnis destroyed my Geos fins a number of years ago, once bitten twice shy!
  10. I agree Hovmoller, I've spent more time in front of the tank this week than in the last few months combined. I would love a school of spotted silver dollars, but I love the long fins of the angels and geos more! Yes the sawdust is from the four Panaques, and the driftwood is disappearing at an alarming rate. Time to plan a roadtrip down the west coast to collect some more I think...
  11. And a few more pics. Almost a full tank shot. I was curious (and a little concerned) at how the corys and panaques would mix, given their size difference, but neither seems phased. Corydoras remora? Not at all bothered by the size difference. Videos coming soon...
  12. That is exactly what I have in mind for the back right corner! I've been eyeing up various suitably shaped pieces of Manuka while cruising the rails up here and may take my pruning saw to work tomorrow if it isn't too wet. I've got an image in my head, it's just a matter of finding the right shaped twigs to make it happen. Not really keen on more black/grey fish (except for uaru), really want a bit more colour.
  13. Yeah they're fairly high up my list of species to try, the blue/red colour plus their size makes them an attractive proposition on paper, but like you I've never really been a fan for one reason or another. Anyway, here's some more pics. Started the day off by scooping this guy out. Bucket-o-fish. Angels checking out one of the new arrivals. Nothing goes on without supervision from the Vizsla. The two large angels. Sterbais starting to colour up, they seem completely unphased by the large plecs. Old and new.
  14. Nice, the gold colour looks good for small fish despite the lighting/background colour in the first pics.
  15. Not really a true biotope, just an Amazonian theme.
  16. Any pics under normal lighting Alois? What variety are they?
  17. Heh, I took some this morning, but 50 little fish completely disappear into a tank that size so it really isn't that interesting. 400 lemons would be pretty damn cool, but I'm actually thinking about adding another species. I would really love cardinals but suspect they will be an expensive snack, I think that the tank is lacking something blue though.
  18. Yep. There is also 20 sterbai corys and 20 lemon tetras. Need to order another 50+ lemons!
  19. Bit of a teaser of the new stock. Ten seconds after adding the new fish any doubts about whether I'd made the right decision selling the aro disappeared...
  20. Anywhere in the tank will work but... as I found out recently when setting up a quarantine tank with media from an established tank, the bacteria colony in the filter will only grow based on how much "food" there is for them. If your tank is already cycled and you add another filter, you're not going to suddenly grow twice the amount of bacteria to cycle the new filter. You will get some bacteria in the filter by seeding it in an established tank, but if you want to start a new tank with it you'll need to gradually build up the bioload so the bacteria in the filter can grow to deal with it.
  21. David R

    Ninja Fish

    Dim the lighting and give them time, IMO. Hopefulls as they grow and get used to their surroundings [in and outside the tank] they will become more bold.
  22. Yeah I think 100L would be bare minimum, but it also depends on the shape of the tank and how you set the sump up. You need to have enough water in there while it's running to keep the pump from sucking air, while leaving enough empty volume to hold the "skim" that flows down from the main tank when the pump is switched off. If you have an inch of water above the weir in the tank based on your footprint of 180x70cm you'll have at least 30L of water plus what is in the plumbing and overflow. I'd budget on 50L spare at the very least, so bigger than 100L would be advisable.
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