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Everything posted by RochelleMay

  1. Did they show signs of aggression before hand? My synos have their cave each and stay there really. Not sure if that would be the problem.. What kind of shape was the patches in or was it full body? Camera is nearly charged
  2. 2 Discus 1 GBA 1 Bristlenose 2 Synodontis 1 L066? Tiger Pleco 2 Lace Gouramis 4 Red finned tetras - Not sure their actual name they are rather big and like a diamond silver with red fins Tank is planted and about 286L
  3. My poor ghost knife isn't so well. Hes still swimming around really fine and eating etc. But under his lateral fins he has white patches almost like flaking skin. And a patch further up his side as well. Water parameters are: Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 pH 6. - 6.4 - which it has always been for the last year we have had him. Cant seem to get it higher and I would prefer it to be stable that up and down. Ammonia 0 - .10 I will try and get a photo I just need to recharge my battery All other fish are fine that I can see. I am about to do a water change just to be on the safe side. Then will put in some melafix.
  4. Oh cool thanks. I was trying to post some pictures. All good Ill just make them smaller or try them one by one
  5. Hi Guys, I wasnt too sure where to post this. But I am having trouble posting, it comes up with an SQL error. General Error SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] MySQL server has gone away [2006] An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists. Please notify the board administrator or webmaster: [email protected] Powered by phpBB © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 phpBB Group I have tried contacting the given email addresses but I get a email failure notification back. Can anyone help me or give me an email to follow this up? TIA
  6. Nope no angels. The only things we have that would possibly do that is pearl gouramis or Tiger Barbs. Neither of them seem to pay any attention to the net though.
  7. Really? They were bigger fry though well the last 2 were about 1 cm in length. the holes are tiny tiny though like less then 1mm. Oh I hope thats not the reason the poor babies thats like grinding them thrugh a sieve.
  8. Hey guys, I have a bit of dilemma. I had 10 babies in a breeding net then the other day I noticed 9 of them had disappeared into the middle of nowhere. Then I captured another 1 and put him into my net. Then this morning they were both there all happy happy. Then I just looked at them but both have disapperead. The wholes in the net are tiny tiny so I dont see how they can get out. They can't have jumper cause it is only half submersed with about 7cm in the water and 5cm out of the water so the sides are too high to jump. But they have just disappeared.
  9. Hollywood are awesome. I went the other day re: sick fish and the lady was so helpful, I was in a panic and upset and now my fish are happy and better than ever. They are the only place I go for fish. Thumbs up to you guys. Just thought I'd add to the thread to let them know They always deliver Good Service.
  10. Oh how old are your babie mollys now newfisher? You'll have to show me when you come around. When they babies everything is so cute
  11. Cool thanks. I am going to go out and buy one now. I don't want to loose anymore. I did have one dead one this morning and put him in the water and the tiniest of all my tetras ate it I was so suprised it could even fit in his mouth.
  12. Any Ideas Please. I had about 10 or 11 babies in one of those plastic floating breeding things, with some sponge in the bottom to prevent the babies from getting out the bottom holes - which I know they do cause I watched one get eaten. But that doesnt seem to be working last night I went for 11 fry to now 5. What else can I do to stop them swimming out the bottom and getting eaten?
  13. OH its one of the bigger ones I got from you the first time. Not the 2nd time
  14. Ummm the big one I got from you. The babies Im not sure if they're even big enough to have babies yet. They are super cute. Dad still hasn't given up his ones to my grandad so these ones are definatly for him.
  15. oh well I just found a couple more swimming near the top. And I tried to catch mum and put her in a seperate net but she was too hard to catch so I didn't want to stress her out too much.
  16. This might be a dumb question, But I know platys are livebearers but are the babies actually swimming when they come out? Just Ive seen her have what I would call a couple whitish poo's that fall to the bottom and then she'll have a normal brown poo afterwards. So what im trying to ask is if the whitish ones are fry dropping out of her and then im assuming they swim off when their ready? or do they actually swim out of her backside? Ha i know thats probably a very silly question but I have no idea otherwise
  17. They are actually in my dads tank but he can't be bothered making sure they survive so I go on daily fry hunts Its kinda of fun. He doesn't have a hugely planted tank so dont think theyd survive if it wasnt for me Ha its so exciting when I first saw them I was stoked.
  18. Ok so we all know that platies breed like the common cold. But mine have never done so until now. I have a couple questions, I have removed them and put them in a fry net thingy, what do I feed them and how often? How many babies will the mum normally have? and how often does she have them... as in I currently have 9 will she be putting out some more in a day etc until they are all out? She is still looking pretty pregnant. Some will be missed and eaten I assume, but most of them are staying hidden in this floating plastic rock. Thanks for any answers.
  19. Our other tank is a over 286 litres. And a couple of the discus are also going into dads tank which I think is similar sizing maybe a touch bigger. I will put in a sponge filter and am going to transfer 3 of the discus into the other tank so their is only 2 in their. Will also do a clean and take out gravel. And my test kit is only a couple months old so that shouldn't be a problem. Thanks.
  20. The gravel isn't deep at all only 1cm or so. to keep my plants in place really. And the tank is only temporary until they grow enough to go into bigger tanks, Unfortunatly IM a poor student and really cant afford anthing else. It has be fine up until now thats why I was so shoked that it was so high. 2 of them will be going into our community tank in a week or two.
  21. IT is small but I couldnt afford a bigger tank at the time and just want to grow them out before seperating them into the community tank - So far we have 3 large ones in ours and 3 in my dads tank , with no problems at all. So if I keep doing my gravel vac and water change daily would that be ok? And I will add in an air stone to. Thanks
  22. It is a smallish tank I think about 60L its an Aquaone so has a filter preinstalled. The tank has 3 discus about 3cm and now 1 about 5cm. And they had been getting fed a 3 times a day but only the smallest amount since we have had them and then a week ago I cut it down to 2 a day as I am at work so couldnt do their lunch Normal temp is about 28 and everyother day I do a gravel vac and do about 30% water change. Just to get rid of all theier uneaten food. They are little guts though and theirs not normally much food left over.
  23. Oh mypoor MO is dead . I have done a large water change also cleaned the sponge in the filter but left the rest so I dont loose all my bacteria. put in some ammo lock to temporarily help with the spike and also some melafix. Thats all I really know to do. Hope its enough for my wee guys.
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