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Posts posted by Olly

  1. Na my guess is a he, his dorsal fin is longer in comparison to some of the others, they are only just starting to colour up and the stripes are just starting to show on the boys as this one has. another couple of weeks and he should have his orange come through as well

    if he lives :-?

  2. i first noticed it last weekend, it was as big as it is now.

    his fins are slightly clamped, he stopped moving around the tank and hid under one particular leaf, he isnt eating properly which was made worse when the baby angels in with him started chasing him. hes now quite skinny, and smaller than his litter(?) mates

    he is now in a guppy breeder and is eating a bit

  3. It's body, especially post anal, is much deeper than similar length guppies - the main reason for wondering about his family tree

    Its a different body colour to a normal guppy

    It has a gonopodium so is definately male

    Not gonna breed from him or sell him (unless anyone wants a freak? :D ) just incase. I just thought it was interesting

  4. I think this may be a plattie guppy cross

    Is that possible?

    I had a lone male plattie that used to have a go at mating the guppies sometimes

    This young fish took longer to grow up than his bros and is getting the same colours as the plattie male


  5. A guy says to his mate, 'My grandpa doesn't drink, smoke, gamble, eat fatty foods or even swear. We're all going to celebrate his ninety-fifth birthday tomorrow!'

    His mate looks at him and asks, 'How?'

    What did the elephant say to the naked man?

    'Thats cute, but can it pick up peanuts?'

    A kid came home from his first day at school.

    His mother asked, 'What did you learn today, sweetheart?'

    'Obviously not enough,' snapped the boy, 'because they want me to go back tomorrow!'

    How does a rich, spoilt blonde change a light bulb?

    She says, 'Daddy! I want a new apartment!'

    A stockbroker parks his new Porsche in front of the office to show it off to his colleagues. Just as he's getting out of the car, an out of control truck comes flying along and takes off the door before speeding off. The stockbroker phones the police on his mobile. When the officer arrives five minutes later, the stockbroker is distraught. 'My Porsche! My beautiful silver Porsche is ruined! No matter how long its at the panel beaters, it will never be the same again!'

    After he finally stops ranting, the police officer shakes his head in disgust. 'You rich pricks really piss me off!' he exclaims. 'You are so materialistic and focused on your possessions that you didn't notice anything else, did you?'

    'How can you say such a thing at a time like this,' snaps the broker.

    'Mate you didn't even notice that your right arm was torn off by the truck too!' blurts out the officer in disbelief.

    The stockbroker looks down in absolute horror, 'Oh f***!' he screams, 'Where's my bloody rolex!'

  6. I have put my best pair of blue rams in a 25L tank by themselves

    It is barebottom, with a piece of schist, a plantpot, and a couple of plants in it

    They are being fed bloodworms, temp 27C, daily 10-20% water change

    Is there any way to trigger their spawning? Anything else I need to do/add?

  7. my lecturer gave me 2 young axolotls that he bred :bounce: They are about 10-12cm long.

    Trouble is I dont know much about them

    What do they need? Im going to build them a tank how big should it be? Is there any other animals I can put in their tank with them that wont eat or get eaten?

    Does anyone else want 1/some? there are leucistic and dark ones

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