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Posts posted by Olly

  1. I want to build a tank and havnt done so before. I'm capable with wood but am inexperienced with glass/silacone (I've repaired a couple of tanks and replaced windows before but thats all). How do I do it? Im after a method and also any tricks that will make any bits of the process easier


  2. DSCF0430.jpg

    (ignore the bluetac sculpture top right :oops: it was my flatmate)

    I cant stop the plants growing :lol: the amazon swords go crazy i got the one in the pot as a little sucker thing growing on a stalk of a big plant a month later and it is huge and I have 4 seedlings that it sent out :D

    Its good as the fry dont swim dont into the rocks and die, and any food that is missed stays on top of the pumice and gets found by BNs or fry - less food getting wasted

    IMO its much better than the pebbles i have in my other tank

  3. I use pumice and it looks great, the bristlenoses like it for digging their caves and the plants grow like mad

    only problem i've had with it is the pH as new zealand discus man said and it gets sucked up the gravel vacuum and clogs the end

    I like it

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