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Posts posted by Olly

  1. recent studies have linked asthma to a too sterile environment in young children, thought to cause a lack of the bodies ability to build up immunities

    Asthma is an over-reaction to stimuli by the lymphatic system. antibodies are created against harmless things in their environment (dust, pollen, etc). the over-reaction is stimulated when the environment is too sterile, and the immune system doesnt come into contact with enough foreign material. it is a lack of the body's immune system to be able to recognise what in its environment is harmful and what is not

  2. look up iridovirus (i think the spelling is correct) - gouramis are prone to it especially dwarfs

    i have found that dwarf gouramis do much better on twice weekly water changes or even more frequent if you can be bothered

    when i had dwarf gourami fry i was doing a 40% change twice or more a day. i missed one change and they only got 1 change that day and half of them died. i dunno why but dwarf gouramis just love having their water changed

  3. Since you've been waiting so long looking for a male surely it would make sense to start the breeding back process just incase something happens to your female before you find a male?

    I'd keep looking for a male L102, but in the meantime breed her to whatever L# the experts say, just so that if something happens to her we dont lose the species completely

    As soon as a male was found then the breeding back could be given up if you got pure offspring

    Just my opinion

  4. The wholes too big

    I just stole the cockatoo's cave to see if it would work

    Feed Courgette or something like broccoli stalk an hour after the lights go out at night. Stick a fork through it and chuck in.

    Just tried that

    Oscar seems to like courgette too :-? looks like he stays up late :lol:

    Push the pot futher into the ground, try again.

    He dug the gravel out of the entrance and got the tablet

    Im gonna get a bigger pot and make a smaller entrance to see if that will work

  5. I put a pot I already had in and put the food inside it

    Oscar finds the food


    Oscar too fat to fit


    Oscar thinks about it


    Keyholes get interested


    Oscar tries again


    GBA goes in, closely watched by Oscar


    Oscar gets the tablet


    Happy Oscar with a mouthful :evil:


    GBA goes back to his cave


  6. I have a 5cm GBA in the same tank as my little 15cm oscar. I am finding it impossible to get anything to the GBA as the oscar is too quick and good at finding the pleco tablets.

    If I put 10 pleco tablets in then the GBA might get to taste one before the oscar gets them all. the oscar puts 5 or 6 in his mouth and chews on them, letting little bits of tablet out his gills which the gouramis eat and the GBA gets nothing.

    even if i feed the oscar down one end of the tank and hide the tablets in cracks in the rocks at the same time the oscar still finds them all

    The GBA is starting to look a bit thin, is there any way to feed him in the tank with the oscar or do I have to move him?

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