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Posts posted by Olly

  1. I just got a new tank and want to put africans in it. Im thinking julidochromis, brichardi and luelupi if i can get some. im thinking about 3-4 of each. I have a big old atman external filter that does about 400lph to filter it with

    will this work? what problems would be likely to occur? i have looked them up on the internet and they look like they should be ok but I just want to check

    Are there any other fish could go in there?

  2. as long as you have a few plants in there dwarf gouramis will be fine with angels, they just ignore them. the plants are so each male can feel like he owns a territory and they dont scrap constantly. they require good water conditions

  3. blue acara


    dwarf cichlids (appistogrammas, rams, aequidons etc)







    small tangyanikans

    other small africans

    these should be ok in a 100L tank (1 species only :lol: not all at once!)

  4. I'd be interested in tagging along. I'd like to see how to catch them alive as the only way ive ever hunted native fish before was eels with a spear, and they arent much good in the aquarium after that (good in the smoker though :D )

    Let me know if you want an extra pair of gumboots :)

  5. I think i fed the older lot too early. they were swimming around but kept falling back to the ground and lying there. i fed them and yesterday morning they were all dead :( so no black ones for now.

    the zebras are all alive still though, and im going to wait until they are actually swimming before feeding this lot :-?

    a definition of free swimming would be good. is it when they detach themselves from the pipe, or when they swim a bit and then sit on the ground again, or when they swim constantly?

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