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Posts posted by Olly

  1. they mine sand from the beach i grew up at on the east coast (the beach where the movie whale rider was filmed). it is incredible the amount they have taken. the area they have mined is around 5 times the area they had permission to. they removed 20ish HUGE sand dunes, including a maori burial site and old marai site. once they got pinged by the council for taking too much area, they have started digging down and the pit is now close to 50m deep. they take 3 big truck and trailer loads out a day

  2. I was a voluntare at marineland and the national aquarium. Kelly was thirty eight when she passed and wild dolphins live on average to around 20. The workers at marineland got paid crap and were mostly voluntares. They save thousands of sea birds every year and they are the only ones with the appropriate facilities to do so. Other aquariums still catch wildlife out of the sea, with no complaints, but marineland isnt allowed to get captive bred dolphins? :-? People do not respond to pictures as they do to real animals children will remember the dolphins at marine land forever but not a picture. I have never met people so passionate about animal welfare as the people working at the national aquarium and marineland

  3. theres an aussie, a south african and a kiwi in a bar

    the SA guy drinks his beer, throws the glass up in the air and shoots it with his gun

    the other two ask him why he did that and he says 'now my friend, where i come from, glasses are so cheap you never have to drink from the same one twice'

    not to be outdone, the aussie sculls his beer, throws his glass in the air and shoots it, while saying 'mate, where i come from there is so much sand to make glasses from that we never drink from the same one twice'

    the kiwi drinks his beer and throws his glass in the air. then he pulls out his gun and shoots the Aussie and the South African. as he walks out of the bar he says over his shoulder 'where i come from, there are so many south africans and australians that you never have to drink with the same ones twice'

  4. they don't like malachite green either.

    crap that must be what killed mine cos they got whitespot, i treated them and they all rolled over and died :( i only had 6 though so not as bad as 300 :o

  5. On my 4ft tank the middle brace has come loose, I think in that earthquake the other day cos I heard a noise during it and thought the tank was breaking. I checked the tank but couldnt see anything.

    I just went to do a water change and saw the glass bowing out and realised what has happened

    I emptied it down to ~60% full which is as low as the filter will stil run

    How can I fix it? Do I need to fix it? I dont have another tank the fish can go into



  6. Should have let a cat have it.

    lol cats are funny when they find them for the first time. they sniff them and the beetle grabs their nose and the cat freaks, especially if it stays holding on. they cant help coming back for another look though

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