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Posts posted by Olly

  1. i should be ok for tanks but thanks for the offer if the tank they are in gets too packed too quick i may take you up on that.

    what i am going to need if im successful is a big heater so i can set up my spare tank

  2. ive been giving them daily 15-20% water changes, missing a day maybe once every 10 days. they are in a tank with gravel and i dont think it is as clean as a bare bottom so im moving them into a bigger barebottom tank this weekend along with the blue rams & cockatoo

  3. i have just read about baby discus being susceptable to a gill fluke.

    i have seen my baby discus flashing many times but didnt think anything of it until reading that it can kill them.

    is there any way i can treat for it? they are all between 3 and 4 cm

  4. My first lot of angel eggs are hatching today :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

    so excited. they are a solid black female spawned with a normal silver male so hopefully they will all be black :D

    they were laid on the filter in their community tank so i scraped the eggs off with a craft knife blade into a little container. now there are heaps of tiny wriggling blobs in the bottom of the container

    Also tomorrow night my zebra angel eggs are due to hatch :D

    now i need to know how to raise them

    when should i take the airline out? - as soon as they are wriggling or only once they are free swimming?

    what is best to feed them? - microworms? baby brineshrimp? will they eat decapsulated brine shrimp eggs?

    how often and how much should i do water changes?

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