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Posts posted by Olly

  1. my BN male climbs right out of the water up the glass where the filter outlet runs down

    hes 100mm long and he gets clear of the water if its low enough. he sits on top of the suction cup that holds the spray bar for upwards of half an hour sometimes :lol:

    not at the moment though hes been in his cave for a few days not even coming out to eat

  2. The water coming out of the tap at my place is very variable in pH ranging from 6 to 7 although usually nearer 6

    Im looking for a rock or substrate that I can put in my tank to buffer the water at 6.5 for my discus. when the pH out of the tap is high my discus suffer but when its at 6 the guppies look terrible

    What should I do? the discus seem to be happy in the range of pH 6.2-6.8 and the guppies at anything higher than 6.3

  3. I agree with you there I plan to cut down to six once they have coloured up and I can choose my favourites. I would prefer cardinals but they way more expensive :-?

    I wouldnt try to breed them in there but they spawn when they want to. If the rams decide to spawn in with the discus, will they harrass the discus much?

  4. :oops: well....

    you kill half their siblings by your flatmate turning the heater off and dont feed them for a week cos you think they are all dead. when you look back in the tank cos you're thinking about trying again, they are enormous :lol:

    I dunno how they survived the cold but there was lots of little creatures that i could only just see (<1mm) that they were feeding on when i found them again. I put them in with the guppies to breed the parents again and they are growing fine (although not as fast as they were in a 150L tank by themselves) they spend all day picking at the ground for decap brineshrimp the guppies and discus missed

  5. they keep trying to breed in my community tank. i havnt got a spare tank to put them in until my gouramis grow up. will the discus be ok in with them when they spawning? the rams are currently the same length as the discus at about 3.5-4cm

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