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Posts posted by Olly

  1. the plywood would be on the inside of the tank with fibreglass over it, and a veneer or maybe a thin tongue and groove type wood on the outside. I have the building skills to make it strong enough and look decent, just need some time to start putting it together

  2. you guys should have been pulling eels outs creeks or trying to dam a stream to make a swimming hole or making tree huts or stealing the fruit off the trees in the orchard down the road then running flat out incase the owner saw you with that single orange or apple.

    Barrie you forgot shooting home-made bows and arrows at everything, catching wild goats, riding horses on the beach, attempting a thousand times to tickle trout but never succeeding and running kilometers down the beach each and every morning at dawn in a attempt to find frostfish before your brother did

  3. Hi All.

    I think the answer to that IRA is that goldfish are decorative and have been since about the early fifteen hundreds. :wink:

    That's probably why so many people (not Me) enjoy keeping them. :roll:


    look where 500 years of selective breeding has gotten us ((chunder))

  4. One of my 4cm discus went emo; dyed himself black, hung out by himself behind the filter pipe and didnt eat much for a couple of weeks.

    Yesterday afternoon he came out and ate some beefheart/lettuce/peas/garlic mix. He must have been hungry cos he got a big belly on him.

    It still hasnt gone down and is still huge 24hours later. The fish is sulking on the bottom of the tank looking very uncomfortable.

    Is there any way I can make him poo?

    I'm not too keen on squeezing :o :lol:

  5. I just bought a new breeding pair of discus but they are in bad shape. One of them has torn fins that are rotting and both have white spots and little hairs sticking out from the sides. Not sure if this is ich or fungi because never had this problem before and they are on thier own. What medications should i give them. I have put in melafix and methylene blue.


    Females tail


    Fungus on female


    Another pic of female tail


    zoomed in Pic of spot on male


    pic of spot on male


    Another zoomed in Pic of spot on male

    Please suggest what i should do

  6. If the H3 treatment is getting into the water then I'd be more concerned about the water getting into the plywood and causing it to rot...

    thats true. would fibreglass, the same as on a surfboard be good enough?

  7. I can get free ply, wood for frames and pinkbats.

    I will just need to buy the glass and pond liner or fibreglass

    H3 is quite toxic isnt it? I'd be scared that it would get into the water somehow. Marine grade is good quality stuff that has few defects, unlike some other grades I've used in the past

    MFK is good I have been looking there already :bow:

  8. After researching ways to get/make a decent size tank, it looks like plywood is going to be the easiest and cheapest way for me to get a bigger tank.

    I have come up with this design, with a filter built into the side of the tank. I would use 3/4" marine grade ply for the inner surface and 10mm glass. In between the two sheets of ply I will put insulation (pink batts or similar) and use 3/8"-1/2" ply on the outside. Measurements are just estimates at this point, but its going to be 600L+


    Would this work?

    Have I missed anything out?

    It will need waterproofing on the inside, what would be the best product(s) to use?

  9. I would probably want some blocks in the middle as well because the wood will sag under the weight and it will be a surprising amount over a tank that size. I also really recommend poly under the tank, it only costs a couple of dollars. I broke a tank because it had no poly under it. the stand got wet and swelled up and cracked the glass which gave out under the water pressure and made a little fish and glass filled tsunami all over the lawn, lucky it was on the deck. wouldnt want it to happen inside where your tank is :o

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