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Posts posted by Olly

  1. Phoenix44 you're welcome to come see them anytime you like, as is anyone else thats interested :)

    I think it makes the discus feel safer cos they are in a bigger group, instead of being a group of 7 (number of discus) they feel like they are in a group of 13 (6 angels in with them) = happy discus. They have grown faster since I put the angels in with them

  2. I couldnt believe how fast they grew. They get fed mostly wardleys gourmet tropical flake with bloodworms or beefheart every 2 or 3 days. Water change every day if I can.

    They are still guarding the eggs well, although they have trust issues with each other :lol:

    They are easily my best looking fish

    I havnt successfully raised angels yet, although I have tried 3 times. Whats the easiest way to make them live?

  3. I'm getting it made by a glazier in Porirua, his name is Ed Torr http://www.cityglazing.co.nz/. I found this set of articles that explain most of it http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-01/gt/index.php.

    It says I need ~400mm around the top of the overflow, and ~32mm piping.

    What height should the backup pipe be above the lower pipe?

    What sort of tap should I use to control the flow of the siphon?

    I have a 3ft, 130L tank to use as the sump, is this an appropriate size?

    What sort of media should I have in it?

  4. I am getting a 5' x 2' x 2' tank. I want to put an overflow similar to this: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/3-vt34041.html?start=30

    What size should the box be? how far below the top of the tank? how big should the holes be? where should the holes be positioned? What sizes work for the overflow and return pipes? What size return pump(s?) would suit this tank?

    It will house big fish: oscars, severums, polypterus etc. Would a silver arowana fit in this size tank?

  5. do they come out often? i havnt seen mine since i bought it 4 months ago...

    I have found that the more hiding places I provide, the more both the talking catfish and the BGK come out. the pipe things they live in are great, they go from one to the other all the time and cruise the tank looking for food several times a day

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