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Posts posted by Olly

  1. I'm getting a 5ft tank that so far will have 2 oscars, 2 severums and a pleco. I will get an ornate polypterus before too long. What would be the best substrate for them? I like the look of the red stuff I have seen in a few photos, would that be suitable? and where can I get some?

    Also what would be other suitable tankmates/are the current ones ok? Tank is 540L will have a 3ft, 130L sump and pump will do about 4500 Lph, so filtration will be decent

  2. LOL thanks guys :lol:

    that means my new betta is a halfmoon :):):):D:D:D :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

    I got him to flare in the shop and he made a straight line from top to bottom of his caudal fin. Havnt seen him flare fully since being at home though, maybe I should get him a mirror?

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