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Everything posted by Lynnie

  1. Love the Red Fronts. :nfs: Nav. :thup: would love some of those. Im just starting up with a baby Fronts after losing every thing in Sept quake.
  2. Lynnie

    Pink danios

    I thought they had all been distroyed. maybe not. :dunno: bet there are more around than we thought.
  3. thats real good. You go talent thats for sure. Im sure you will do well with these. good luck with you new idea.
  4. Thinking of you Henward. :roll: Hope you sort it out soon. keep us posted. Good luck
  5. Thanks so much to you all. re. aros. I personally have just the silver arowana. My pocket monet doesnt stretch to the wonderful range available in New zealand. Always good to get other comments on tank conditions. Please can you all post more pictures of your wonderful fish for us to gaze at and wish. cheers
  6. :-? :-? :-? lost 5ft= 9 breeding Fronts , 3ft, 23 trophes -cherry spots, 3ft. africans x 25 major crack in floors (concrete has to be inspected yet) garage roof moved few inches over on uprights. diner set, Grandmothers ornaments, old clock(over 100 years old,) plasma tv fel over works but sound goes up and down,' night store heater bolted to wall in hall fell off, water cylinder twisted pipe water down walls behind power box down wall. I know all can be replaced and we are alive but my Fronts were my pride and joy. just bloody gutted really. but on up side "thanks to Navera for taking the only surviving 6 tropheus also big thanks to Tarsha for rushing to my aid and taking the aro,borneo tiger, and choclates to her place (in my acrilic tank) home to her place. without the help of these two wonderful people the rest of my fish would have died as no power, on for 3 days, water had to be turned off until pipe was fixed. I rang Action plumbing in CHCH for assistance, they took my details and told me I would have to wait (did expect that too) but that as at West Melton (very close to epicentre) would occur a $45 call out fee, plus all work done on the day had to be paid for by credit card or efpos card before they would agree to come out. I gave them both AMI insurance claim number and earthquake commision claim no. too but they did give a toss.You would expect that from a one man operation not a huge company. To JAE carpet people who came with 5 huge blowers to dry my place out thank you so much for speedy service. your just awesome.
  7. sorry to hear you lost your house Cod king. I am waiting for earthquake inspectors to inspect my foundations as large cracks. Lost breeding Fronts, breeding africans, and tropheus group. but my big aro,choclates survived. just gutting really. glad your fish ok. if you need some where to stay got a roof here but not sure for how long. oh well as you say alot many people worst off than us,'' we all alive, in CHCH. take care. thanks to all of the texts and support from around the country. hope none of you have to ever go through this real scary time.
  8. just got internet on today. so dam happy about that. what can I say. Earthquake. plus many other fine words to follow. had water feature running from roof(burst watercilinder pipe, 5ft 6 tank-smashed sand every where, with breeding fronts they didnt survive the impact. 3 ft with 23 trophes -cherry spots only 6 alive , (thanks Navara for taking them to help out) africans.gone too. acrilic tank with aro,choclates,and borneo tiger ok. (Thanks to Tarsha for helping to house them). due to horrific family violence issue in April had given away to another couple of CHCh people all my breeding discus and babies as was in Womans refuge for a while.. so i am pleased i didnt have to pick up those bodies too. :oops: just turns your gutts seing your fish taken out that way. :roll: :roll: ***but have to look on positive side, I still have a house, and my children. so things will get better. to all the txts of support thank you all.
  9. Wicked Mate. How many do you have.? will pop around to see them.
  10. Gee the pictures from your new camera are great. Will be seing more good shots in the forum comps. Wicked tanks, they are a credit to you. would love to have my plants to grow as good as yours have.
  11. Lynnie

    New from Chch

    nice for you to drop in. Another fish keeper from CHCH. welcome to the forums
  12. IMO when i was breeding discus I used bricks, slate and flower pots. I purchased a pair they never mated for me but on selling new owner used plastic cone within 1 week they had spawned on it. After that I purchased a cone too. Ones thats spawned on other used that one also. If you are going to go with breeding discus big time its not alot of money to out lay for the fussy breeders. IMO There are ones listed on a site at moment for $24. so exciting watching then develope. Good luck with you breeding very rewarding starting with new breedings.
  13. Lynnie

    Hi, Im new

    Welcome to the forums. You do have the bug. one tank, then another, then another :lol: :lol: :lol: we all do it. Very catchie with all the great looking fish around its hard not to want more. enjoy your time on the forums. there are never nob questions as we all require information on different breeds. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  14. Gee i reckon your senegal is growing nicely .Grown heaps since i last saw a photo of it.
  15. Gee the photos are just awesome.thanks for sharing. Just one of the many great spots down here in the chilly South.
  16. Lynnie


    Welcome to the forums. There are so many great fish keepers on here to help in any area of fish keeping. Just ask as there will always be someone here who can help you. Enjoy
  17. thanks to all who have given imput. I would sooner spend money on food they thrive on that trial and error finding out. thanks again.
  18. wow that video is just awesome. Not many of us see all the action as it appears. We wake up and its all over. thanks heaps for sharing with us.
  19. Lynnie

    Hi All

    Welcome to the forum. I see you aready have the bug with many tanks. LOL. It gets us all. very rewarding. enjoy your stay here.
  20. Lynnie

    Hey all

    Welcome to the forum. will be looking forward to seing your tanks.
  21. Lynnie

    hello :)

    Welcome and enjoy the forum.
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