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Everything posted by Ira

  1. But, how high is the top? Height is just as important as length. A short one, maybe 300-450mm will be ok with 6mm.
  2. How about brackish water with overhanging grassy plants and a couple archers? That way you can get some flies from the fish store(Make sure they can't get out) and the archers will have to shoot their lunch off the plants?
  3. Ira


    7.4 is just fine for a community tank.
  4. Ira

    I hate marine tanks

    Thanks, Westy. I bought a stainless steel hose clamp today. So we'll see how it goes. If it starts rusting or anything I'll let you know.
  5. If it makes you feel any better, Basil's fat and happy.
  6. I thought it looked familiar but couldn't think of whose.
  7. I treated my tank with flatworm exit and it's never looked better... I dunno why but the algae in the tank just disappeared after that. Been a while though.
  8. Hmmm... *Copies fingerprint from kneadit* *Robs bank to support reef tank* *Leaves fingerprint as a decoy* 8)
  9. Ira

    I hate marine tanks

    It's a Laguna PJ5000. I don't think there are any eheims with a similar amount of flow.
  10. Ira

    I hate marine tanks

    The spray bar was purpose made...Only intended to be used until I bought a sea swirl. That's been what? A year now? Hehe. If it was sitting where I made it for originally it'd be fine, but because my anemone decided it wants to sit directly under it I've shoved it to the side. Of course, I stupidly made the spray bar with an extra 90° bend so it's sticking out from the back a few inches, if it was flat up against the back it wouldn't be shading anything. Any suggestions on how to hold the hose on the pump? It's not threaded or anything. Would a stainless steel(I think most are, aren't they?) hoseclamp be ok?
  11. Yeah, cheap. Except for more exotic stuff which is expensive, but we can't even get those.
  12. So, my ugly semi permanent short term fix spray bar had spontaneously decided it doesn't want to sit nicely in the tank and wanted to rotate a little so it's splashing a bit. I was trying to twist it and get it to stay spraying underwater and it wouldn't stay. Thought maybe if I adjusted the pump(It's attached by a couple feet of hose) maybe it would hold the spraybar right. So I fiddle with the pump, twist the hose a bit and *POP*FOOOSH*CLICK* I'm soaked head to toe on my left side and the RCD has tripped knocking out the whole tank's power because something got wet. So, I spend about 15 minutes carefully drying everything off(Doesn't seem to have gotten water into the power strip and turn the RCD back on *FOOOSH*CLICK* #*$%it, I forgot to put the hose back onto the pump! :evil: So, another 15 minutes later and nervously resetting the RCD AFTER reconnecting the hose and everything's running again. Then I was movign a leather about 10 minutes before I had to leave for work and got a finger full of bristleworm bristles and spent 15 minutes pulling them out with a tweezer. Anyway...What should I use to hold the stupid hose on? I don't want to use a steel hose clamp but I can't find anything plastic that big. What's everyone else use? I just have it forced onto the outlet of the pump and a cable tie around it which probably does absolutely no good.
  13. Yeah, you can have a great reef tank for a reasonable price if you live outside of NZ.
  14. I think there's probably be a lot of die off. But who cares, it won't be enough to notice, all I do in cases like that is drain the water out of the filter, into a bucket or whatever and plug it back in. So any toxins in the water are cleared out. Started doing that after I lost a tank of fish with the power out for just 3 hours. Now if the power's out for an hour I unplug them all and when the power goes out I drain a bucket full of water out through them before plugging back in.
  15. Ira

    Danios in NZ?

    Zebra danios(&LF), leopard danios(&LF), spotted danios, giant danios and I think golden? danios(&LF). Price and availability may vary.
  16. Hmmm, I don't know if you'd be able to replace it with a temperature proble, but that's an interesting idea. Ideal would be a temperature controller, of course. But, that kinda defeats the cool cheap ghettoness.
  17. First, where are you? Doesn't do much good to suggest a specific place on the wrong island. Try an electrical supply store.
  18. Pieces of driftwood from the beach are great. Don't worry about the salt content. I don't know why everyone worries about it? There'd be such a tiny amount of salt in the wood that would leach out slowly it'd just be a tiny fraction of the amount you'd get when adding salt medicinally to the tank. Many fish like a little salt in the water and you wouldn't even put enough in that they'd notice. I just give it a good wash, pour boiling water over it and throw it in the tank until it sinks.
  19. Ira

    Nipped Fins

    None of those are particularly likely. Maybe the neons or hoplos? Just a wild guess.
  20. I don't remember anyone saying we'd let the JAFAs out.
  21. Nah, just cut off Auckland. There's nothing important up in Auckland anyway and they're the ones wasting all the power.
  22. I don't see any tips without polyps on that soft coral, Pies. Well, there's a little bit, but that looks more like it's just retracted them. I think I have a frag of that one and it has a single little finger doing the same thing without having any blenny hassling it.
  23. Ira

    big aquarium

    When I win lotto I'll probably build one about that size. Maybe a bit bigger... (Gotta keep optimistic...Just not use the numbers "4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42.")
  24. Congrats. Rhymes with divorce... A horse?
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