So, my ugly semi permanent short term fix spray bar had spontaneously decided it doesn't want to sit nicely in the tank and wanted to rotate a little so it's splashing a bit. I was trying to twist it and get it to stay spraying underwater and it wouldn't stay. Thought maybe if I adjusted the pump(It's attached by a couple feet of hose) maybe it would hold the spraybar right. So I fiddle with the pump, twist the hose a bit and *POP*FOOOSH*CLICK* I'm soaked head to toe on my left side and the RCD has tripped knocking out the whole tank's power because something got wet.
So, I spend about 15 minutes carefully drying everything off(Doesn't seem to have gotten water into the power strip and turn the RCD back on *FOOOSH*CLICK* #*$%it, I forgot to put the hose back onto the pump! :evil: So, another 15 minutes later and nervously resetting the RCD AFTER reconnecting the hose and everything's running again.
Then I was movign a leather about 10 minutes before I had to leave for work and got a finger full of bristleworm bristles and spent 15 minutes pulling them out with a tweezer.
Anyway...What should I use to hold the stupid hose on? I don't want to use a steel hose clamp but I can't find anything plastic that big. What's everyone else use? I just have it forced onto the outlet of the pump and a cable tie around it which probably does absolutely no good.