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Everything posted by Ira

  1. If it's good enough for most of the reefkeepers around I'd say it's good enough for a brackish tank. Don't waste test kits testing it for ammonia, etc. Just make sure you get it when it's clean and on incoming tide.
  2. Yeah, it was something like in this pic, the top left one.
  3. Strictly necessary? No...But most things aren't strictly necessary if you go to large lengths to make up for their lack. Unless you have very pure water for topoff you're likely to get significantly more algae.
  4. It's a Scremlykagrlius Nrunawayii.
  5. UV won't do anything at all to effect algae that isn't floating in the water. If those are your only options, go with the Aleas, though I've never heard of them.
  6. I had wheels on one of my tank's stands. Because it was built out of a metal trolly kinda thing that happened to match the tank perfectly. It was movable when full, just difficult.
  7. The first season finished something like 6 months ago. Not so much.
  8. They seem to get a lot, but whether that's due to more people or higher odds, I don't know.
  9. Livingart, many(If not most, I'm not sure on the exact number) tanks in north america don't have the base supported at all. The whole tank is just supported around the edge. You should see how violently they'll argue with you that if you have a tank's entire base supported that it will break. :roll:
  10. I don't think you'd have a problem bringing them anywhere.
  11. Good, damn trash filter crap floating all over cost me almost an entire tank of fish when it clogged up my filter.
  12. Ira

    Petshop rant

    They buy them cheaper than a breeder would sell them for and then sell them for several times as much as a breeder would. That's for the occasional one they have that's not a mutt.
  13. Should be ok, the soaking in thinners would probably make the rocks unusable. Most relatively recent paints are pretty much non-toxic.
  14. I'd be inclined to use 2X4s since pretty much a universal size.
  15. Instead of sculling a 100 proof shot you have to do a proof.
  16. You can probably get a short section of clear hose from...Well...Practically anywhere and heat it up to fit it on both the over the tank connecty bit and the outlet. Assuming they're the same as the gear withmy 404s. You'd only need a couple inches max.
  17. I thought it was obvious that it would be sealed, so I didn't feel the need to state the obvious. Once you flush the air out with dry air, nitrogen, etc where is the fogging going to come from? And the dirt?
  18. Who said double glazing units? I didn't. You'd just basically build a slightly smaller tank within the first. All it would do if you're making it yourself is, for materials, cost twice as much. Anyway, I'm suggesting it as part of a cost irrelevant discussion.
  19. You could, which would be interesting, make a double paned tank. Be a lot more work, but then it would still be viewable from all sides(Though few tanks are anyway) You could then also wrap it in polystyrene. If you seal up the top of the tank(Double paned also) and have the only airflow going in going through hoses wrapped around your lighting's transformers that will decrease heat loss while recovering waste heat from the transformers. You'd need an outlet too, since the tank is airtight otherwise. You could make up a heat exchanger to preheat the air going to the transformers. Make sure all your cannister filter's hoses and the filter itself are heavily insulated, that will stop heat loss and might be enough enough to recover some of the waste heat from the motor. Put the tank near your refrigerator, cover the radiator coils in the back with more piping to extract heat from them. Done properly you have free heat for your tank AND your refrigerator would become more efficient.
  20. It would have to insulate better, but I don't think using thicker glass would be a cost effective insulation compared to sheets of styrofoam or similar.
  21. Should be ^2, ^-2 is something totally different. 9.8m/s^1 would be just 9.8m/s which is velocity, 9.8m/s^2 is meters per second per second which is a rate of change, AKA acceleration.
  22. Hmm, Interesting, all my rocks appear to be ambush predators.
  23. Ira

    Can I have

    Fish A B C and D. Fish A+B pair up and attempt to breed Fish A+C Pair up and attempt to breed Fish A+D Pair up and attempt to breed Fish B+C Pair up and attempt to breed Fish B+D Pair up and attempt to breed Fish C+D pair up and attempt to breed Oops, Make that 6 pairs from 4 fish.
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