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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Why would I need use a test kit to tell me a week has passed?
  2. You want the flash as strong as possible, as long as it's not visible reflecting off the glass. This is why you press the lense against the glass. Then manually set the shutter and aperature. Longer shutter lower aperature=darker, more streaks from movement but wider depth of focus.
  3. Wow, I don't even have 8 close family members total. What is wrong with your family? (After rereading that, it doesn't sound the way I meant it to, but I'm not quite sure how else to word it.)
  4. I use large doses of a water additive known as ignorance is bliss... I haven't tested any of my water in years. I probably should...
  5. How about a 3 stage system where you have water with the fish in it with water(And fish poo) going to a second tank full of green water, then water from that goes into a third tank full of daphnia then the daphnia go into the first tank to feed the fish? Then you have a nice little closed loop.
  6. Ira

    Bristlenose breeding

    So? They'll be fine in a tank with platies.
  7. You need new friends. *sees huge nasty spider sitting on tag* *Nudges spider out of the way* *Pulls tag* Ok, you're all good.
  8. Ira

    Bristlenose breeding

    Put them back in the previous tank on their own.
  9. And he's going to be filling his tanks straight from the house tap.
  10. I don't think "Keeping snails in their tank" all the time will be an option, they'll all be dead and eaten, it's not like they'll be breeding.
  11. Happens all the time. Unintentionally let them escape or get tired of them and release them into the wild.
  12. That's more like $600 absolute max to buy that stuff brand new, I think. Those hacked up lamps from the Warehouse being most of that price.
  13. Ira


    Maybe he thinks the other female is ugly?
  14. Sure, you can feed it to them frozen. But they don't sink well unless they've been boiled before freezing.
  15. I wouldn't worry too much, I've had one of my tanks inside unplugged for 2 weeks mid winter and when I noticed it was at 16 after a couple warm days. No losses.
  16. I'd go with metal halides. They generally penetrate better than T5s and T8s and are more efficient I believe than T5 HOs(which are less efficient than standard T5s.
  17. The less water the less suction and the smaller water changes. Water changes are good. Or get a bigger tank.
  18. It's not that I'm not housebroken, I'm just really full of...Poop.
  19. Ironically, lack of those traits is claimed by some to prove that animals are just dumb, unthinking creatures.
  20. Meaning you can't spell. Ammonia is good, Nitrites are almost good, nitrate is good. So, you're basically all good. Just give it another week and you'll be all cycled.
  21. That's what I do. Then boil it to defrost and it will sink. No BSing around with forks or anything.
  22. Ah, the rubbery ones. I doubt they'd be strong enough to hold through the glass glass even without trying to hold anything up. They're pretty pathetic as far as magnetic strength. Get some rare earth magnets, they'll work much better and aren't that expensive until you get into finger crushing sizes.
  23. Why would male guppies need to be with girls?
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