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Everything posted by Chris.L

  1. The water comes out of the shark-like mouth. Not the air tube hole
  2. Forgot to mention - Gro-Lux bulbs will make your plants grow, because it contains vitamins that the sun has. Chris-
  3. I picked a Gro-Lux (4ft bulb) for $24 (new). Just go into your local Hydroponics shop
  4. I probably wouldn't get 10. I would start off with 5 ..
  5. Chris.L


    Does it swim around in circles? Can it swim 'properly' upside down? I have had fish like this and they never recovered so I had to put them down. Chris-
  6. Chris.L

    Rata logs

    I think Mark was just joking
  7. Chris.L


    Sorry, just had to do it 8)
  8. Make it the way YOU want it. Look around at plants, driftwood etc and buy as you see things YOU like. Not much point setting up someone elses tank, eh??
  9. Pupuke Aquariums It's in the North Shore.
  10. Alan and ajbroome are the people to talk to these about! Alan is around quite often and you can catch him in chat most nights at around 9pm. AFAIK ajbroome is the president of the NZKA. Welcome aboard Chris-
  11. Chris.L

    cloudy eye?

    Welcome Karen. Sorry I cannot help with your fish, but welcome aboard Chris-
  12. Chris.L

    One eyed Discus

    I have a one eyed discus. The thing with mine is that he lost his 'bubble' around the eye. This happened when the LFS worker was catching him. He doesn't have any of the symptoms that you said, he mainly gets picked on by my other discus. Chris-
  13. Depends what sort of fish we're talking about here
  14. Chris.L

    backing paper

    double sided cellotape, pull the backing really hard otherwise you'll get bubbles.
  15. Chris.L

    New Tank

    As far as I know tetras are good cyclers. So are guppies.
  16. But females can have bristles around their 'lip', just not going up their head?
  17. Chris.L

    New Tank

    I have a 100W heater here if you want it
  18. It looks like there is 1 male, 1 female there CatBrat.
  19. Chris.L

    New Tank

    He said he made a mistake and it's actually 20 gallons. Though, I do recommend hunting around and getting it second hand. It will be MUCH cheaper and you will buy a bigger tank.
  20. Chris.L

    New Tank

    I might have a submersable Shark filter and 200watt heater for sale. The shark filter has all the media and the heater has never been used. PM me I am in Auckland.
  21. I heard from a LFS here that they has HEAPS of problems with them, so therefore don't stock them. They had to send them all back to the people.
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