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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. I have noticed that mine does that when stressed. e.g. when I moved him to new tank. When new fish were put in with him. etc. Maybe it is just their way of 'smoking' drinking or overeating??
  2. Great Caryl hope you have a few 100 pink n blue booties for them So far so good. Down to a few hundred fry now. Free swimming and feeding on diluted liquid fry food. Parents still doing a sterling job. I have removed the shark internal filter and left the u/g one. Parents are keeping fry to the top of the tank among the valleseria. Did water change today (very gently) This is just sheer excitement and even hubby (non fishy person) has been sneaking looks 8)
  3. i messed up the first spawning by changing water and losing the fry through turbulance :-? 2nd spawning the fry were lost because the parents moved them to the filter. Same with the 3rd 4th time I saw the pre spawning cleaning and moved the filter down to the bottom of the tank - hid it behind the catfish pipe. Angels spawned on valleseria - excellent parents. I managed to keep my fingers out of the tank (interferring itch) 5th day now and the fry are all eyes and the egg sacs are shrinking. They are having small swims before the parents scoop them up and spit them back onto the nest of valleseria. Some friends are hatching brine shrimp from eggs I gave them, I have fluid fry food as back up for when needed. Thanks for the support folks. Pegasus the night light definitely was one of the factors in the successful rearing. I will keep this post up to date.
  4. maybe your boss will allow you one night off ???? if you ask him/her pretty please
  5. 8) hi there all Ashburton fish lovers. Well we cannot let Fatman beat us at forming a club can we???????????????? :-? :-? Anyone who is interested plse pm me for details. At the moment we will be holding a meeting for interested ppl on 31st March, 2003. We will be having a very important fishy person coming to be with us and this person will be happy to assist us and answer questions. Should be a fun night. Hopefully the dawning of another fishy club. :lol:
  6. weell I believe you for after watching my tank for awhile I saw one of my discus communicate with the other this was. Shimming the whole body and obviously vibrating. The second discus moved away to feed and the first discus went back to normal behaviour. I had never noticed this behaviour before.
  7. Goldie

    Faethery Algae?

    Hi there Pies. the siamese algae eaters are ok normally. I think I just got a territorial one. However the chinese algae eaters are well known to have a taste for other fish once they grow.
  8. wow no I have not experienced that. My discus feed from my fingers and watch for me to enter the room. One is shyer than the other. Maybe your discus is in love with your hand. I think that sure is exciting.
  9. OK Caryl ......... good point Please contact me re the startingof new club. sighhhhhhh I will make time toDO something and not just wait for someone else. Fatman I am still interested and maybe we can suport each other to get the club etc going. pm me if you wish.
  10. Goldie

    Faethery Algae?

    re your algae eater. I have a siamese algaeeater and he would not tolerate any other bottom feeder type cat fish. Hazzled the bronze corydoras andpeppered catfish. Otherwise he was an angel and certainly put paid to any algae. Never hassled any other fish. The bristle noses and clown loaches get along fine together. how are you going with a) your algae prob - so right about the nitrates being parrt of reason b) your algae eater (if a chinese one your only solution to save your other fish is to take it back to the store). I have read that the chinese algae eaters are fine when small however as they grow they attack the other fish for their slime coats.
  11. Absolutel;y AWESOME Thanks heaps for sharing this. For such a non technical person as myself you have sure helped me see what is acheivable. I too am looking for the final pic. and the pic after that and........................
  12. Have the aquarium got the 'warren's tank' up n running with somebeautiful DISCUS in ..............Ira should get a free pass just to see ROFL. Seriously though I hope they put discus in it - the Blue of the frame would really compliment the discus colours. and they would look so serene in it planted and landscaped with wood much as their native habitat is.
  13. Fatman I am certainly interested. I know of couple of others down here in Mid Canterbury that are keen too. Just let me know when / where the first meeting is. We have thought of beginning a club down here - however ...............................Christchurch is only an hours drive away.
  14. Our wonderful country would certainly be all the better for it if ppl like Caryl WERE running it. (my personal opinion ) Welcome to the home of New Zealand fish-o-holics.
  15. Goldie

    Hello NZ

    Welcome to New Zealands fishy forum
  16. welcome into the New Zealand tank Christine WOW with 31 tanks I am sure you will be able to help us. I have only one tank and keep messingup the angels efforts to raise fry. Pegasus has been a big help and I am thinking of trying to build a filter (the present one sucked the fry into it - the parents used it as nursery sighhhh) Whoops I have digressed Welcome welcome welcome
  17. I had one when I started my first tank. He loved the frozen (thawed out) bloodworms. I even sliced a sliver (very, very small) piece of raw chicken occassionally. Also tropical fish flakes. He ate from my fingers. Sounds about the same colours as yours. So pretty
  18. Dumotel welcome to a great board. Yeppers I sure know how it goes. Wish my tanks would breed. Sure would make the hobby cheaper LOL :lol:
  19. Have you thought of having a hospital tank?? Just a small one to put any pick or suspect fish in while treating?? I also use it to quarantine plants n fish after purchase to check them out before adding to my main tanks. This has saved me many a problem. All equipment used in hospital tank is sterilized and kept apart from other equipment (in a bucket LOL).
  20. Now I am the least technical person you are ever likely to met. However reading the posts on heaters etc and of how you want no 'clutter' in your tank. Would you be able to put in a heating pad under the tank to heat it and just have a thermostat to moniter the temp??? Wow it would be great to see pics ofyour progress.
  21. Nope like you Kriber i found that the kribs just nipped them. So I got a flying fox - siamese algae eater- to go with the kribs. These two types of fish mix well together I have found. The cories, two bronze and one peppered are in the guppy tank and doing well. I was reading that peppered catfish like to shoal and am feeling mean that mine is solitary maybe I had better go visit organisms in Christchurch andpick up one or two more and a large tank at same time :-)
  22. Welcome to the board Kerry O. I really like the sound of your tank. I know you will get the help from the board. The biggest help I got was in the beginning and that was to set the tank up. I used an undergravel filter as well as another filter. Gravel, heater and advice on how to start the tank cycle. I let it run for a week and then was advised to add two guppies (sorry guppie lovers - they were cheap and expendable ) Having the two guppies began the nitrate/nitrite cycle and that took another three weeks or so. Then and only then could I safely go out and get the fish I wanted. Test kits are essential for me. PH nitrate nitrite and ammonia ones. I will stop there for now and again say big welcome
  23. leeves it is really tuff to lose fish at any time. When you have just begun it is harder. How long have you had the tank set up?? I ask for you may be losing the fish because they have been poisoned if the tank has not completely cycled. Getting the test kits for nitrates/nitrites/ammonia & PH is a really wise thing to do. Do you know about the initial cycling that ALL new tanks go through?? Sorry to hear about your fish. :-?
  24. Goldie

    Hi I'm Merlin

    I would be stoked too.
  25. Welcome to the fishaholics board I have a couple of discus. I have found that clean water is essential for healthy discus. As for growing on I suggest that you often change the water, maybe twice a week about 1/3rd. Good quality flake and occassional bloodword works for mine. Just watch to see that they are not bullied by other tank members. I have found my two discus to be a source of joy and much pleasure.
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