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Everything posted by paul_r

  1. my girlfriend and a heap of mates study at different unis around the country, forever having days off, there is even a holiday for Waikato uni because the uni is on Maori land!! reasonably cruzy class times, having sleepins and can go out partying whenever they like, then complain when they have to do a full days work as it stresses them out. Alot of mates that have finished uni also comment that uni was so much easier than working full time im sure not everyone at uni is like that but sure makes me laugh
  2. i think you are missing the important part of it... no student has to do 3 exams a day, they dont even have to do 3 exams over 2 days, i fail to see a problem for the students...
  3. yea im failing to see a problem, by the looks of things will not affect students very much at all, not in a negative way anyway. typical jaffas :lol:
  4. in my case the tank had been in a garage with alot of spraypainting etc done over the years and poisoned the fish, ammonia tests etc dont pick this up.
  5. in the past my fish have been skittish due to poor condition water, i remember the first killifish i attempted to breed they were swimming around like madmen and very scared and stressed, ended up dying and found it was due to the tank not being cleaned out with salt before use as it had been sitting in a garage for years. I took tank apart, washed everything in salt and hot water, refilled and got to temp and had some guppys in the tank to test it out. may not be the problem in your case
  6. have you been doing water changes? personally id never add any "medicine" etc to help the cycling i would do it naturally. sounds to me like it could be water quality issues rather than anyone beating anyone up. or maby the e.yellows got a bit of shock when they were released into the tank
  7. barry crump - wild pork & watercress was another good one for me
  8. i stay away from animates whenever possible, i understand there are some very knowledgable staff but most of the ones ive dealt with were busy chatting txting and were not very knowledgable at all about the fish they were selling, one girl the only thing she had going for her was she liked to show off her gstring when getting fish from the lower tanks, couldnt catch a fish to save herself and ditzy as anything Have had too many bad experiences with animates, there almost laways seems to be at least one qurantine tank, ive seen a huge pacu in a turtle tank with water barely deep enough for it to swim in with turtles in the tank which had scratched it, numerous dead fish etc Palmy animates has been good the few times ive visited it but the other ones have been shocking
  9. hmm books... been a while since ive read any. the tomorrow when the war began series were awesome The lord of the rings books were alot better than the movie The hobbit was also a neat book I read alot or war books however cannot for the life of me remember their names or authors
  10. shhhh if the mrs hears you call her that it will some how be my fault and ill be in the dog box
  11. bambi tastes BEAUTIFUL!!!! Nothing better than the feeling of hunting your own food, doing the hard yards of carrying it out, skinning and cutting up the meat and then cooking it. Doesnt get any better than this
  12. Up the waioeka gorge a family friend has some primo land up there. got the hind spotlighting, and went for a nice long walk saturday morning as the sun was coming up, come round a corner and there are 2 spikers and a 4 pointer approx 100m away, i took out a spiker and a mate got the 4 pointer. These are some tasty ideas so far, making my mouth water. Guess it helps that venison is my favourite meat, can eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner...well have been for last couple days I sometimes play paintball at the field and have heard many stories of sambar up there, id like to go for a nice head in the next month or so, its only a 15 min drive from my place so should really get up there for a go. Next on my list is some wild pork but a nice sambar head would be nice
  13. because of their age they are so soft to eat already, the steaks ive cooked up so far have been so soft my flatmate with no teeth can eat it no worries. Cheers for the idea on roasts, think ill leave out one or two of the big chunks of meat and do a bit of experimenting. cooking for 48 hours!!! may have to stick a bit in the crock pot and see how it comes out
  14. I nailed 2 deer over the weekend, a young hind and a spiker. Quite stoked as i bought an ex ww1 p14 .303 off a mate, rifling is perfect and shoots like a dream. good to see the old girl can still take down deer. Skinned and cut them up yesterday, now have so much meat i dont know what to do with. Eye fillets, back steaks and the good cuts of leg steak have been cut into steaks. Necks have gone to the old mans for his boil up All the rest of the meat is going into 8 salami, and remaining half will be mince and other half sausages. Anyone got recipees for venison, all i really know is steaks dipped in coat n mix or flour & mixed herbs fried in butter with garlic and eaten hot in white bread with heaps of butter and make venison meat patties with eggs bread crumbs and seasoning and dipped in flour and fried Thanks for any ideas
  15. definatly a female guppy
  16. yea dude never ever ever put that stuff online, ever no matter what the intentions are. Guts if her old man reads this :oops:
  17. wel between now and then never ever ever EVER let her parents come up with any reason not to trust you. keep it in your pants dont leave hickies and if need be hug her goodbye etc when around family. if she has a curfew make sure shes bak early etc, hang out with her family for occasions dont act like an immature little kid etc. Parents always assume the worst dont give them a reason to proove you right. if your a hunter or fisherman or diver drop parents off venison/crayfish/trout etc when you get some... trust me this scores MEGA brownie points bus/train down and fly up sounds like a plan, traveling wastes sooo much of your weekend, could maby do a 3 day weekend as will be no school in Jan. school relationships do work, i had a real awesome one for almost 2 years, if not you will have saved some coin and can have an epic weekend
  18. i used to get this all the time at school and from parents and was the same, had never tried any drugs or anything. you get used to it alot of people assume your "dum young boy" how old is girlfriend? not many parents do like their daughters boyfriends until their daughters are at least 18 ive found
  19. Deftones - Minerva pure awesomeness
  20. Good show HFF and great stuff David for showing your appreciation , far too many people jump way to fast and tell the world when someone does a bad job of something yet very few tell anyone when someone does a good job. Ive never been to HFF before, may have to call in there this weekend
  21. Card 4 looks good, im not sure about the light blue top and bottom, otherwise its great
  22. ive always thought it ment Black Ghost Knife
  23. as morcs said earlier, animates 2 for 1 deals = epic savings not sure what the animates are like down your ways but i wouldnt buy anything from the animates closest to me
  24. sorry i was meaning that maybe useing an air rifle to kill a cat may not be a good idea as unless your a good shot can cause a long and painful death. which none of us want ive shot many cats/possums/magpies etc with my air rifle before i got my firearms licence just after my 16th birthday, easily doable but generally unless you get the head/chest you will only wound Agree with smidey, paintball guns rock at getting rid of stray cats/dogs. mine shoots 15 per second, they tend not to come back after that :lol:
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