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Everything posted by livingart

  1. there are a few different cone skimmers on the market now all much of a muchness
  2. http://www.fish-street.com/aqua_excel_a ... in_skimmer http://deepblueaquarium.co.nz//product_ ... ucts_id=67
  3. good post lotofish size limits and "taking to sell" are only regulations if your weeds start to disintegrate take them out from reefkeepers.co.nz
  4. livingart

    Tank Build

    looks like a good habitat for natives
  5. nothing worse than a rampant white stripe :iag:
  6. post haste overnight drop off by 4pm arrival at destination 8am next day about 40 bucks
  7. :rolfl: last one i ran into was used for burley
  8. what did they taste like?
  9. same as you bro :iag: have learnt to appreciate the little things in life
  10. hard to tell from pics but quality of the joins seems questionable
  11. consumer guarantees act http://www.consumer.org.nz/reports/cons ... g-it-right don't make threats, calm and collected and state the facts
  12. get him to replace it with the size you ordered
  13. http://www.reefkeepers.co.nz/forum/foru ... =46&t=1409 Blue Fanworm Spirobranchus cariniferus Difficulty: Easy. Description: White calcareous tube with small blue fans growing on hard surfaces. Tubes up to 40 mm total length, 3 mm width. Habitat: Intertidal. Rocky shore. Soft shore. Bays and sheltered beaches around N.Z. coast. Temperament: Peaceful., how stroppy can a tube worm be? Minimun Tank Size: 100 litres. Tank Age / Maturity: At least 6 months Diet: Filter-feeder, coral foods, crushed flake and mussel and newly hatched Brine shrimp. Special Requirements: Incompatibilities: http://www.reefkeepers.co.nz/forum/foru ... m.php?f=46
  14. the thicker the wall the more strength 50mm RHS will allow bigger spacing http://www.steelnorthshore.co.nz/index. ... _1039_1069
  15. flexible electrical conduit
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