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Everything posted by livingart

  1. could be an expensive excercise good luck maybe dog has more plastic than nikki watson
  2. if you have some from the same spawning, pair it up with those if breeding to a normal colour and you get no colour in the offspring, then keep the offspring till mature and breed to one or more of those good luck
  3. your first spawning will give you an idea of how the gene is passed on
  4. will depend how the gene is inherited
  5. livingart


    well done dixon, it is becoming clearer i use an air stone on gently or let mum do the job
  6. livingart


    tumbler - type of pigeon, acrobat in the circus, drinking glass, for polishing semi precious stones, somebody who gets drunk and falls over all the time for africans maybe put them in the front loading washing machine and take them for a spin or maybe a negroid acrobat sorry haven't heard the term used before
  7. living waters gone picka pet new name maybe papamoa pets or palm beach plaza new name Petrix 07 5742268
  8. Love that one :lol: told to me by one of the guys who saved the kunekune pig from dissapearing
  9. its insides will be clean watch for signs of the dog being off colour, also may get the runs you could give it some milk to maybe help the small quantity possibly ingested maybe all right but if concerned ring the vet as you said
  10. thanks for that smidey this is not the only example of breeding from a very limited gene pool of animals so long as the originals were strong genetically many generations can be bred off them with no problems all the white tigers in the world come off 1 wild specimen man has mucked them up by inbreeding too much to ensure they get the white ones, worth more also have hybridised the bengal with siberian as a consequence it is hard to find a pure strain of these nowadays
  11. good links david line breeding can be done to fix a colour strain or if you have no other fish of that species to breed with usually mother to son or father to daughter, then grandfather to granddaughter etc. or siblings together if you have on ly one male and several females you breed with one female then use male offspring to breed to the other available females lines need to be kept seperate to ensure as much diversity as possible watch for increases in deformities or weakness in young or lowering of fertility if it works its called line breeding, if it doesn't work its called inbreeding
  12. parents were adult when wild caught don't know life expectancy though longest i have had one was 4 years
  13. didn't even realise they had bred till cleaning out tank feed live mysis and pods once a week
  14. have some local crested blennies that were bred in the old FOWLR system we had running eldest coming up 2 years and 3 youngest now 1 year old original tank was coldwater marine and couldn't catch the blennies out of the rock when we converted to tropical adults died after one year at warm temps when we pulled tank apart to put aros in we found 7 young cresteds in there so have kept them tropical since
  15. sump for me too larger surface area, more media
  16. if you are serious about raising young take reptos advice spend some money on a decent incubator and start breeding vast quantities of live food
  17. it is good seeing people getting into natives what they need now is a good book on keeping them
  18. glad to see your in the dry
  19. i hope they didn't use water colours on that "Muriel"
  20. good luck peoples weather is knocking us around too from 2 to 4am last night was spent trying to move Cockatoos from the patting zoo seven of them in the office this morning meant the alarm clock was not necessary
  21. to do cheap and big you need to build yourself this is 2.4m x .8 x 1.6m high approx. made from mdf cover sheets - from timber yard, ie: soiled sheets glass was most expensive part inside of MDF polyurethaned to stop any moisture damage male beardies can fight or create dominance issues found this a while ago, don't know where i got it though
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