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Everything posted by livingart

  1. You are quick off the draw guys, only just saw the paper myself I have been trying to write a post on this for a few days now, didn’t know how to word it Came on here to post about the situation and see I’ve been beaten to the gun Auction is next Thursday, we have been living a nightmare and fighting to find a solution to this since last November, but have been caught up in the collapse of finance companies in N.Z., rise in costs and general downturn in economy. No lenders would finance a zoo or wildlife park but they would finance a subdivision The finance company has been good up till now but i think they maybe in trouble so have put the big squeeze on us We may need some help housing some big fish and big tanks, anybody able to offer help please pm We have started process to subdivide and lower debt but will take another 6 weeks and the finance company won’t wait that long, we have a bank offer to lend us money but approval for subdivision from council is needed before bank advancing monies. And the wheels of commerce and consultants grind slowly We have spent money on chasing the zoo consent and are so close to achieving this, estimated costs by consultants just kept on blowing out the further we got into it Sadly we maybe should have concentrated on the commercial aspect of this project rather than the caring for injured and unwanted animals, but the only one good at hindsight is a Stag Thanks to you all, the words you have expressed mean a lot, maybe more than you imagine. Don’t know if I can post this address, remove please if needed, the park is at 9 Nature Place, Pyes Pa, Tauranga 3112 for those who want to know it. Whatever happens livingart will still be part of these forums and we will still be looking after animals and fish etc
  2. i think the main ingredients in the cure were used as a medical dye, i maybe wrong use too much it will even stain your silicone and may even make it let go
  3. if you have eaten surimi you may have eaten barracouta
  4. wow thanks barrie i didn't know those 2 were having an affair agree with the rest of your post
  5. hi phil, i understand about the cage rusting it is merely a temporary measure, plastic would be better than glass these fish have been living together for a few months now with no overt signs of agression the last week the smaller one has been more pushy with the larger one no bite marks but damage to the mucus layer on fish so seperated til it settles down back on topic, you always risk something when mixing predatory fish be it the other fish looking like food or territorial rights becoming an issuue
  6. canaries make good live food joke finding 60cm plus aros is hard to do, they only come along every now and again
  7. no worries Aproph i stuck one in a birdcage
  8. yea right buy a fish instead
  9. maybe just run the water through a fine mesh
  10. they live inside fishes mouths and take food fish ingests - pest also dig into fish skin and suck blood bite humans as well i siggest showing it a close up look at the sole of your boot
  11. seller withdrew his listing after stella sent him the doc link realised he was doing something illegal methinks
  12. typical nz law easier to kill something than it is to keep it :roll:
  13. there is a koura and salmon aquaculture place in blenheim it is for sale on same site maybe where they came from
  14. you can take the bigger out to increase survival rate if you have plenty of rockwork some may survive any way
  15. 2 aros together you may be lucky 1 at 35cm other at 10cm, you may need to be luckier have 65cm and 80cm in 1400 liytres still have the occasional spat the small one starts it 8)
  16. don't forget when buying the coloured asian ones you need to buy the lights as well to make them look good
  17. you can no longer import the jardini, asian and south american aros are still on the allowed list
  18. no longer on the allowed import list Scleropages jardinii - Common name: Australian Pearl Arowana Origin: northen Australia; New Guinea Scleropages Leichardti - Common name Spotted bonytongue, Spotted barramundi Origin: River system of central-eastern Queensland; Australia
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