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Everything posted by livingart

  1. i just need to build that 25,000 litre pool and open up the hot water bore
  2. nice fish he looks like octopus ink in the water
  3. i use pumice in the 200 litre fikter on the 15,000litre eel pool also large grids put of old plastic milk crates some scoria in there as well filter wool on top divider is core flute real estate sign
  4. holy flyimg squirrels in thermal underwear batman spring is busy for us, baby birds had by cats or blown out of trees spring is nice it means the worlds still going round the sun
  5. boerboel, after googling the breed that is basically what we breed as to temperament and protecting the family
  6. more of an association of sound and action or prompt than an understanding of context or meaning
  7. azlan has been trained spends his days behind deer fence and his nights out the licking is what he does after to remove the evidence from his chin good one mincie have photoed underside of all our turtles now only microchipped the more expensive ones this was designed to be given to burglars to use
  8. all of the above especially the surveillance cameras plus this
  9. not a mistake it is just a learning experience
  10. hi gatito good to see you back on the forums zazu has calmed down a bit since the last time you saw him
  11. one for the bird keeper shirts lovcal marine keeper or zazu for gatito and evilknievel
  12. Cut up a UG filter plate and make a comb or lid for overflow
  13. go to the search function at top of page and put in brine shrimp hatchery there has been some good threads on this subject
  14. yes it is a greek lucky you weren't taking the pics DG
  15. so true my friend true friendship is the unspoken bond that exists beyond all words
  16. she may have had a fright and because of hitting glass be stunning herself or be predisposed to epillepsy it has been proven that strobe and flourescent lighting can have an adverse effect on human epilleptics
  17. possibly 100 young ones thought at first it was a tank full of leaves
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