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Everything posted by livingart

  1. they have a larg fuse wire that runs from thermostat to base of heater if they fail this will melt and it will not overheat the tank i have had 3 fail lately, 1 was 12 yrs old
  2. they can be fed almost any animal meat or crustaceans, etc sadly lost this fella autopsy revealed rotten gills on one side and hook damage to the throat
  3. personally i feel a good varied diet will suffice and they will breed when ready live food can help dems i think you need to colony breed or the male may kill the female, some recommend at leadt 12 some cichlids freely interbreed so seperate tanks is a must with some species
  4. my old ones no moisture my nw ones have moisture i am now keeping tops out of the water
  5. i have just had a problem with 3,000 litres of green water in direct sun did frequent water changes, added lots of plants, cut down light and ensured any uneaten food was removed quickly problem has been solved
  6. yea hans 15 in a team gotten so bad they call them the auckland blues
  7. welcome to the forums i too am an accidental fish breeder
  8. i have one of those just sits on a rock all day playing his banjo :roll: seems to dislike my hippy turtles and the melanistic ones
  9. sounds like a male, if so they can get pretty stroppy if they start breeding you will need to probably seperate them if he starts making a bubble nest
  10. got any pics of the fin extension the males i have seen have had an orangey/red shade on the pectorals
  11. good to meet you the tank is completely clear of the algal bloom now but the oscars have trashed the cabomba :evil: post away with the pics
  12. the ihs was probably done to allow exchange of those torts for a breeding program between australasian zoos even a private member with a zoo licence cannot let animals out of a containment facility without the correct paperwork ie: the development of an ihs for general release you pays your money you take your chances it is black and white ihs for containment or ihs for public release no ihs no release it doesn't matter if they are in public hands already or not
  13. http://theaquariumwiki.com/TDS
  14. Pursuant to section 22 of the Biosecurity Act 1993, this document is the import health standard for the importation from Australia of the star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) and the yellow-headed tortoise (Indotestudo elongata) into New Zealand for zoos.
  15. like alan i believe the fish you are refering to BURN are gambusia http://www.nzfreshwater.org/thumbnails/gambusia.html confusing these with tropical guppies is an easy mistake for a tyro to make in fact i have seen people attempt to sell these on trademe as cold water guppies :roll:
  16. i do love the way ye jest with the swabs captain Ira
  17. livingart

    discus help

    the mucus layer on discus maybe slightly different as they are able to feed their fry from it
  18. could be as you said a number of things speculation ontil it is examined really an abrasion will clear up over a short time depending on how bad it is is it housed with other rabbits?
  19. some reptiles don't seem to conform to scientific rules if it did happen as soloman has suggested then a raise in average mean temperature in their habitat may cause the extinction of that species the Thai water dragon P. coccinus (spelling) in papers i have read is chromosonally sex determined
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