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Everything posted by livingart

  1. we talked about that also the best techniques involved he is smitten
  2. odin is a she i think and doing well grown heaps gave young jayden a heap of grasshoppers yesterday to help keep the live food up to his one
  3. nice beardie dude the ink used in newspapers nowadays is non toxic
  4. you could always run a jager in the tank that way if the sump pump stops working the fish are still heated then put a 150w in the sump for a backup
  5. livingart


    hi ashley007 welcome to the forums an air pump is not entirely necessary if your tank is lightly stocked and you are getting good water movement at the surface allowing an exchange of gases it will help though
  6. you are doing the right thing reptilez by researching and asking questions you will get many different opinions on how to keep any animal when you hear the same thing from more than one experienced keeper, then i would take it on board at the end of the day it is up to you how you want to keep your rep
  7. there were many reptile keepers on this forum who contributed to it from their own experience i just put it together
  8. i am a sceptic until i see or experience something for myself i don't doubt that what others experience is a reality to them at the time i haven't seen a ghost but have had other experiences that would be unexplained by science as we currently know it our lifes experiences is what makes us who we are
  9. have you read the care sheets at the top of the rep and amphib section reptiez?
  10. perseverance is the answer and faith is the key to let your hopes and dreams become reality a lot of people give up without realising they were on the verge of accomplishment if it was easy more people would walk the road least travelled
  11. i did a good Frankinfurter for a fancy dress party many years ago 8)
  12. i think the repto was refering to the amount of dollars these beginner reps cost at the moment and even the easiest of reps to keep get problems that can go unnoticed to the inexperienced eye reps hide illness and pain well until it is sometimes too late to reverse the damage done even the most experienced keepers gt caught out sometimes
  13. have to agree with repto a big difference between sliders and keeping leps sliders take a long time to show damage caused by incorrect keeping leps will show it quicker
  14. thanks will look into it see you on the weekend
  15. funny to find the dried mummy that was a mouse that squeezed in had a feed and got stuck squeezing back out
  16. they are a good looking fish and cheap, so buy some fry from same batch breed them someone buys them then siblings breed again ad infinitum
  17. back on topic please people
  18. hopefully they are small enough to pass through the system i don't use gravel with my axies for just this reason they are just grab a mouthful feeders and don't really care what is going down good luck
  19. from the grass where they were hopping my back garden is a breeding ground, long grass, native bush, piles of stacked timber all insects running around at the same time everything that eats then is hatching nature is a wonderful thing 1/2hr with a whitebait net and 5 or 6 days food is there set up bathtubs full of dirt and flyscreen tops to house them
  20. does it rule the tank? the jar is starting to bulk now had the light on one end of the tank the other night the jar claimed that end and took out 5 huhu beetles that were attracted to the light he was annoyed when the light coloured silver took one out of his mouth
  21. i know of 6 that have died in one way or another
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