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Everything posted by livingart

  1. those serious reptile breeders have to sell their progeny to someone and some animals end up with less serious breeders the main thing wrong i see if the bill passes is all those worthless snakes like when the ferret industry collapsed in this country and animals were just released to the wild sort of defeats the purpose only a % of the population will keep reptiles and once that % have got their reptiles market prices will drop take redears in this country as a prime example once a good dollar to breed blue tongues have dropped in price for young quickly because some want to get a quick buck this years fad won't take long to drop in price
  2. all of the above convict fry can survive and grow in the rockwork fresh and saltwater shrimp can be collected and fed as well
  3. http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/3 ... low-movers
  4. lichens are used as a food source in some parts of the world only a couple are known to be toxic amazing stuff actually a symbiotic partnership
  5. strawberry doesn't fit i thought we were talking stoned fruit :lol:
  6. aracauna eggs for Dr. Zeuss
  7. yes have it growing in my outdoor pen peaches
  8. should have said something earlier
  9. i have some lady amherst available smidey
  10. have you talked to all the LFS in the waikato
  11. yes alan he has genes i believe the brand is guess thanks atown, he posed perfectly
  12. if my frog has laid on its back for 2 days with its legs in the air has it croaked? if i go into a french restaurant and the waiter says they have frog legs can i ask him to hop over so i can order my meal?
  13. mange, mites, overheated? or heirs prickly little elf plucked them out
  14. some poles, chicken mesh, nylon bird netting for roof, hey presto another pen i have kept them together before alright don't want to put you off keeping pheasants
  15. yes they can battle best to keep the pheasants floor cleaner than chooks can handle get some bantams to sit on eggs next season
  16. 1.8 or higher soft roof as pheasants go upwards when startled i wouldn' let pheasants up till you have some numbers up 1male to 2or 3 females personally i wouldn't house with chooks especially the heavy breeds will basically eat same foods, mealworms and greens as well
  17. pen 5metres x 2 metres will suffice for most commonly kept golden pheasant lady amherst reeves pheasant silver pheasant
  18. not really pets or friendly i have ones that have been handreared that take food out of your hand a and others reared under bantams that are fairly tame but pheasants are down the food chain and their best defense is flight so not quite the same as keeping chooks best idea is next season to purchase some eggs off trade me and hatch underneath a bantam the heavier breed can squash the chicks wild pheasants are just that and don't take well to confinements quieter species are golden, and amherst some can be kept free range but some will just wander away
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