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Everything posted by livingart

  1. that was right alan, apparently no one thought smallpox could swim and they didn't have a fence checking program in place
  2. might need to recharge his batteries
  3. it has gone to someone who thinks they can help it or to someone who just didn't look with an experienced eye
  4. i warned you about the effects of all those hair products reacting with that cheap chinese stainless steel plate in your head don't worry let me make a call and the "force" will be with you in 10 mins we are warming up the padded cell
  5. how does a peat substrate, cave and water dish. With minimal light sound? completely moist setup or just one area? plants maybe? log on ground or piece of bark, mosses around back like to have silk lined tunnel under something open area in front for prey to walk along and you can see the ambush
  6. estimate put on the big one was at least 6 - 8 years, maybe more
  7. under logs, fallen ponga etc repto seems to find a few i had one bigger than a matchbox a few years back, came from under the bark of a massive rimu when hey were heli logging bigger ones will eat mice and lizards need a damp environment or they dry out and cover with insect screening to keep parasitic mason wasps out
  8. don't forget to keep them in a damp environment
  9. cricketman is playing games he really likes to have his tummi rubbed
  10. awesome, looks like a tunnel web maybe or trapdoor
  11. try laying him on his back as well, can take a bit of time to get used to it this will help wih doing nails i use an emery board and just rub the sharp point off you can make a game of it some will do it easily, some not
  12. yes they are found in the wild, a quick internet search will bring it up
  13. that is always a possibility a greater possibility is migratory bird species bringinj in disease or something arriving in 1 of the 1,000's of unchecked containers oh don't forget the unquarantined humans possible carriers of zoomotic diseases
  14. I don't use restraint when clipping our pet birds wings part of normal handling is pulling their wing out so they are used to it when it comes time for a wing clipping
  15. +1 Nav and the list can go on chicken fed on miro berries tastes almost the same
  16. if you start looking for a 6 footer now and are prepared to wait the odd bargain comes up every now and again i know it is hard as you want to get fish now but having the bigger tank may allow your fish to grow a bit fasster also with a bigger tank you can have more small stuff you can grow on and swap later for other interesting fish by waiting i picked up an 8 footer for 400
  17. did you post tank dimensions and filtration? will help with what you can run in it
  18. i lost one of my containers to run off from tanalised timber this year
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