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Everything posted by livingart

  1. yes would be interesting to know how much comes in that way
  2. i put some bran in the bottom of a bucket and put the maggots in there overnight and feed out the next day gets them a bit cleaner internally and externally
  3. insert your choice of words A: fertile eggs B: freedom for chickens C: scratching in the dirt
  4. you may have to go back to where you purchased it from
  5. nothing worse than an audience who dorsn't get the joke david don't worry others got it
  6. it means there might possibly be a fish in nz whose ID is uncertain unless someone can find a photo to match it
  7. i don't know if many on here are still keepimg them
  8. didn't see a big stick anywhere
  9. i like the intellectual stuff as well just that lately so many threads seem to go off topic then degenerate
  10. some conjecture on this, i have a female with 7 clear bars on one side and 6 on the other some would say it is bad breeding some others would say maybe mixed bloodlines i say it is a nice fish about 10 inches long 1 of his females has held and spat, too many other mouths for any survivors
  11. finding pure lines now will be difficult and brings us back to that hoary old chestnut of correct ID
  12. mine sit on their heatpads light or not but i do place light and pad in the same area
  13. the 2 words mean 2 different things for your edification some means more than one
  14. the easy option hasn't been taken and the effort was made to steer it back on course if it doesn't happen removal will be the last option
  15. +1 i like to call a spade a spade as well, a digging implement doesn't have the same ring to it we can't force others to behave the way we want them to and as said we can't force them to respond to our questions either indeed having a lot of experience doesn't mean one is an expert we have a set of rules on this board that have been put in place then adjusted as situations have arisen that needed adressing because of the wide range of ages and personalities involved on here it is hard to please everyone
  16. i don't think the word "site" is plural
  17. yes it is, better to cut a bit off while frozen
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