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Everything posted by livingart

  1. it is all about quality articles and references from people noted in their field
  2. david is right about the overflow you could take the height of the first section of the dividers down a bit
  3. found this as well trumpet whelk (Charonia lampas rubicunda) they eat starfish and urchins
  4. now don't go stirring him up guys got a statement from the lady he rang, so one more piece of paperwork for the file
  5. you could move the heaters to the next compartment in case your sump runs dry i run one heater in the tank and one in the sump in case flow stops and tank cools too much if i am away
  6. there is a calculator here http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=tank
  7. mind you you had to get those rushes planted you'll have to post a pic of the pond
  8. yes i don't mind them blueing with me a bit low to take it out on my son but thats the way they roll i suppose he gets some stuff from fatso, had a friend turn up from palmy so wanted something to watch
  9. guy at the local video rental place has a grudge with me my son went up to rent a video tonight and was denied a membership and was told it was because of me son said he would go elsewhere tried a shop in another suburb an was told that had just been rung by the first shop and were told he had a bad credit rating and not to serve him son has an excellent credit rating am i correct as viewing the situation as slander?
  10. be very careful, i have done some serious wounds removing broken 10mm glass panels
  11. those are private tanks i know of, probably more out there
  12. i know of 3 tanks in nz that could hold one
  13. yes they can get condensation zev good airflow helps keep it down
  14. probably need a chiller can take up to 4 months to cycle can get away with T8 or T5 lighting sump best
  15. low tide today net and 2 buckets a bucket full of jewels fishing was good 4 pipefish, a goatfish, 2 leatherjackets 10mm and a red moki 40mm
  16. she should be answering everything
  17. if he's out your way he knows what he is doing
  18. can be hard to attach strange chicks to a bantam
  19. have you tried ringing around the glass places, you may get lucky and someone may have some 2nd hand 10 or 12mm
  20. have you already done a submission reef? if so maybe you can help start the ball rolling
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