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Everything posted by livingart

  1. without its claws it is at a disadvantage during territorial issues
  2. you need some Hikari Plantivore to beef up your plants
  3. livingart

    Hi everyone

    welcome aboard captain
  4. hedgehogs and maggots are not good either not good where animals can't reach
  5. philosophy on life your mates will help you get in trouble but won't visit you in prison
  6. the mind won't be all that is boggling
  7. sacha baron cohen at xmas time
  8. remember if a lid breaks big bits can fall into tank and slide into tank glass
  9. your boss and 2ic are liable if that guy has an accident while under the influence
  10. i only got to see the dead gecko when it was dissected found 2 maggots then the guy told me the story about 20 yrs ago never had a problem myself though
  11. 3 days later gecko was dead, inside of head was eaten out
  12. reported to me a few years back lizard ate the fly, when it popped in mouth eggs stuck to skin on head maggots hatched out and climbed into nostril and ear cavity person couldn't believe what they saw
  13. from memory the golden-haired blow fly lays maggots enclosed within an egg that hatches immediately
  14. while it is small it will hit the lid and drop back into the water when they are big acrylic sheets are the best i have seen them break 8mm lids to try and get a moth on the light
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