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Everything posted by livingart

  1. cover the water line and something tall on the right? looking good
  2. make sure you have the right ratio of males and females
  3. no its not but you are getting warmer and are in the right family - Pomacentridae.
  4. yes i was reclassified recently, :facepalm: i still think the reasoning behind it was wrong though :dunno:
  5. not to be confused with the reclassified Damselthingy imguessingus
  6. don't forget the gills :nilly:
  7. if Jennifer is still on here would crushed charcoal tablet help absorb anything in the beardies system?
  8. bit of greens, and cricket, touch of marmite in the blender no that is not a joke
  9. thanks yes it is a salty swimmer has fins too
  10. i concur it was miss scarlet :happy1:
  11. i stopped incubating eggs a few years back as i have seen too many sad cases of red ears not looked after properly sorry
  12. i remember as a kid watching my uncle reo, 6ft tall, riding a horse with a baling hook through the gills of a huge eel and its tail was dragging on the ground by at least a foot
  13. technically it never left the stream same water
  14. we sometimes tend to judge people by the way they post :oops: :oops: do you know k evans nice work by the way if you had introduced yourself like that at the start Sam no one would have passed a judgement on you most on here care about the hobby and our environment we live in, especially our native flora and fauna as most of your posts have been about keeping illegal stuff people have made assumptions based on that so don't be too hard on us
  15. from memory beardies don't have discs in their spine so can be prone to problems i have had x rays for arthritis show no results but anti inflams worked depending on the diet visceral gout could occur at any age methinks you will need too talk to the vet i am just a layman
  16. constipation or impaction can put pressure on the spine causing lameness in 1 or more limbs strains, sprains, muscle tears, fractures to joints or even arthritis? http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm ... 1&aid=2496
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