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Everything posted by livingart

  1. must have been really cold cause you can't see the other bit on a frog P.S. too busy answering the question :facepalm: welcome to the forum knobtale are you knew to the hobby of rep keeping?
  2. yes the colour could be described as lutino but green as a colour actually contains blue $10 dollars says you breed birds
  3. because the black has a blue base it all depends on how the alleles in the feathers refract light
  4. to make an albino bird you need a blue based bird to do it
  5. absolutely gutting for you glad no one was hurt job well done by staff in harrowing circumstances
  6. only too happy to help Jo we were concerned as well even on a forum you build friendships even though we never meet in person sometimes cheers mark
  7. Has anyone heard any news about orana park, southern encounter or the kiwi house?
  8. that dimension looks good i have 3 tanks like that good size for aros need at least 6 foot length
  9. what sort of cattle or does that include all bovine breeds?
  10. welcome aboard good thing about asking on here is that we aren't trying to sell you something
  11. http://www.3news.co.nz/Christchurch-Cat ... fault.aspx
  12. sad to hear good luck looks very serious this one &c:ry
  13. get the fruit in natural juice i think your man is referring to meal worms have you read this viewtopic.php?f=40&t=42391
  14. my sun sun bioballs are working well and i have had no problems with them
  15. had a pair of green ringnecks, male supposed to be split albino, a sex linked trait in ringnecks should produce 25% albino hens in progeny and males possibly split albino took 3 years and 14 offspring before they produced albino chicks x 3 a tough one with what you describe above if all produced were males one could argue it is recessive and sex linked
  16. give away chupa chups with purchases over $100 and call it FUSH AND CHUPS
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