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Posts posted by livingart

  1. Breeding Chocolate Fish

    Cocoa pisces (deliscioso)

    I recently managed to acquire a trio of Chocolate fish to try breeding with,

    A melanistic male, a normal female and an albino female.

    chocolate fish trio.JPG


    Breeding Tank parameters.

    Minimum size 100 litres

    Temperature under 18 centigrade otherwise they get soft and lethargic.

    PH neutral to soft.

    I used chocolate sprinkles as substrate and fed them Cadbury Flake food to condition them for breeding.

    These fish usually spawn in caves laying a large egg mass which the male guards for7 days before they hatch.

    Egg mass.

    chocolate fish eggs.jpg

    Once the fry hatch I remove the parents just in case they are tempted to eat them.

    Picture of newly hatched fry.

    chocolate fish fry.jpg

    I feed the fry fine particles of food, this is easily achieved by grating a chocolate bar on a kitchen grater.

    chocolate grated.jpg

    I hope this article helps you achieve breeding these sweet fish.

    Fry ready for sale.


  2. Your problem is the heights of tote, barrels etc in the shed

    It looks like you pump uphill from the tote with poret in it

    the blue line is greatest capacity of sump water you can have without flooding living room when power goes off

    the only way to increase it is to take sump to green box line allowing more water for pump to work to capacity

    fmueller tank.jpg


  3. Just over a 1,000 freshwater fish to do now lol

    I have already loaded in Identification links for each species on MPI list with corrections for current binomial name and a ? if i can't find them.

    Where there is a family of fish that come from the same area and water conditions and care I have made a generic listing and copied and pasted for each species.

    Example is Ancistrus

    This fish is from South America: The family are commonly known as Bristlenose Catfish as they have fleshy tentacles found on the head of adult males; females possess tentacles along the snout margin but they are smaller and they lack tentacles on the head.

    Freshwater Bottom swimmer need good filtration and driftwood to graze on.

    Community compatible.

    Min. Tank Size 200 litres.

    Size  16 cm for males, females are smaller.

    pH  6 - 7

    Temp. 25 - 28 °C

    Water Hardness 5-12.

    Diet Herbivore graze on algae and other surface growing organisms as well as eating algae wafers or tablets, flake food, squash, spinach, cucumber, zucchini, green beans and peas. will take flake and pellet foods

  4. Sorry I keep forgetting:old:

    I use this as copy and paste into the entry box, then search google and use fishbase, Planetcatfish or seriouslyfish to garner information to fill it out, and include any other info that may be pertinent to a viewer. compatibility, aggression etc.

    Threadfin Acara


    Size: 14.0 cm

    PH range: 7.0 – 7.2;

    Water Hardness: 5-15.  

    Temperature; 22°C - 25°C

    Distribution Amazon River South America.

    Diet: Worms, crustaceans, insects, will take live, flake and pellet foods


  5. LOL you can't sell the native ones without a permit.

    They start appearing at the water surface in the plankton layer around November, can catch them with a fine net.

    The Mantis larvae are a light green colour.

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