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Everything posted by livingart

  1. chariots of the gods http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chariots_of_the_Gods%3F
  2. e bay look for ones with magnet holder if you get the cup ones the magnets off your old unit will fit it
  3. they taste nice hard to keep alive without phyto plankton
  4. you get these runs where everything goes wrong don't worry it will get better
  5. yes sometimes shaft just spins inside the magnet without driving if body magnet is working you will feel a small vibration when turned on
  6. indeed it is almost my fifte yes a distinct possibility on the belly up
  7. turn it on and see if you have resistance in the impeller
  8. remind me tomoro by pm and i will look through the dead pump box and see if i have one
  9. if you put location in your user profile it saves people from asking
  10. are you getting any movement or vibration when you turn it on sometimes need a finger poking into impellor to get spinning
  11. +1 sorry jaide that is not true as far as this site is concerned
  12. :gigl: planking is a good thing
  13. it is amazing how people invite antagonism towards themselves with the way they post then moan when it arrives
  14. it was the fault of those who weren't true believers
  15. aquacultured horses should eat frozen foods wild caught can present problems in accepting dead stuff you can breed guppies in brackish water as a food source one problem that can occur when fish are kept with them is the fish can bite the fins off the horses
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